B.S. Marketing & Business Education Online

Turn your passion for marketing and business into a career teaching what you know.
Degree Type Bachelor of Science
Careers & Salaries Career Outcomes
Delivery Online or Hybrid

Study Marketing & Business Online. Teach What You Know.

UW-Stout's hybrid online Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Marketing & Business Education (MBE) offers in-depth training in marketing and business and the credentials to teach what you learn across a wide range of professional pathways—from the classroom to corporate and training environments. You'll satisfy your teaching licensure requirements while you develop professional skills with courses like business law, corporate accounting, entrepreneurship, graphic communications, integrated marketing, market development and more, and you'll have the flexibility to balance your existing responsibilities. Let your passion guide your professional path and teach others to follow their own.


100% of Graduates Are Employed or Continuing Education Within 6 Months

Career-Defining Curriculum

Our online hybrid B.S. Marketing & Business Education program combines education studies with professional and technical courses to prepare you to teach marketing and business education, work as a school administrator, lead industry training and development or manage marketing for leading businesses.

Line drawing of a basic notebook with a dog-eared corner.

Program Overview

View program plans, credit requirements and course descriptions.


Note: This program is designed to meet the requirements for licensure in the State of Wisconsin. The program also meets initial licensure requirements in all other states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia. If you are located in another state, there may be additional requirements to complete after obtaining initial licensure. Visit our website for additional information.

Licensure Options

  • Business Education License
  • Marketing Education License
  • Business & Marketing (Dual) Education License

Use the Request Information form to receive a program summary and learn more about the B.S. Marketing & Business Education.

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What Our Graduates Say About MBE

"I definitely feel the program's teaching and disciplinary methods classes are preparing me for my career. And the instructors and online support staff really care. They're helpful, inspiring, fair and they've been responsive to my needs."

~Jessie Cornelius
Current MBE Online Student

"Marketing and business education allows me to teach students skills that they can apply throughout their lives, whether they are looking to expand on their knowledge in a college or university setting or enter the workforce.”

~Logan Horn ('21)
Marketing Teacher, Eau Claire North High School

"The program allowed me to combine my interests in teaching with business and marketing. I was frightened to transfer my junior year not knowing anyone, but everyone I met at UW-Stout made me feel welcome and like I belonged."

~Samantha Martell-Gibson ('17)
Marketing and Business Teacher, St. Croix Central Middle & High School

Industry-Experienced Faculty Instruction

Forget TA-taught classes and 200-person lectures. At UW-Stout, building close relationships with our industry-experienced and academically accomplished marketing, business, and education faculty will play a key role in your polytechnic education and your. Learn more about your future instructors!

Meet the Marketing & Business Education Faculty

Enhanced Online Learning

Our full-time tenured faculty have created an enhanced online learning environment with curriculum design for:

  • Individuals who desire to teach but have difficulty relocating to UW-Stout to earn a degree
  • People who have been hired under an emergency license
  • Teachers seeking additional licenses

Complete our program in as few as 2.5 years with significant transfer credits. Complete your general education online through UW-Stout (or another accredited college or university). Take your technical/discipline courses at UW-Stout or your closest technical college. 

Customized Tuition & Fees

UW-Stout degree programs using the all-inclusive customized instruction model are designed with the adult learner in mind. Other universities will present costs and value differently, so make sure you're comparing apples to apples. If you're comparing UW-Stout's online degree customized instruction (CI) tuition to our competitors, keep in mind:

  • Customized instruction tuition rate includes the textbook rental fee.
  • There are no additional or hidden university-based semester or technology fees.
  • Students in customized instruction programs pay the same rate of tuition regardless of where you live--Wisconsin, California, Texas, or in a foreign country.

More Value for Your Money

Customized Instruction also provides:

  • Program Director/Coordinator: Faculty with academic and industry expertise.
  • Student Services Advisor: One point of contact, providing dedicated support throughout your degree program.
  • Course Sequences & Matrices: Plan ahead with clear program outlines so you know what courses are offered when.
  • Stackable Courses & Programs: Many of our courses and certificates can be applied to our degree programs.
  • Flexibility: Courses are designed to offer the flexibility and convenience working professionals need to get ahead in their careers without sacrificing their current income and responsibilities.
Application & Transfer Information


To apply for the on-campus or online Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing and Business Education, you need to apply to UW-Stout.

Financial Aid

Students who are attending another institution, but are planning to receive their degree from UW-Stout, may be eligible to receive aid from UW‐Stout. In these cases, UW‐Stout is considered the Home Institution and the other campus is considered the Visiting Institution.Transfer Students

Note: When filling out the application form, be sure to make a note in the student comment section that you intend to apply to the "online program." 

Admission Requirements

New First-Year Students

  • There are no additional requirements for new first-year students.

Transfer Students

  • Earn a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher from the last institution attended.

Students who meet this requirement will be admitted to the university in their chosen Education major. Subsequent acceptance into a teacher education major and enrollment in professional education coursework will require successful completion of Benchmark I requirements. Additional information can be found at the School of Education website.

Students whose cumulative GPA is lower than the 2.75 will be reviewed and considered on a case-by-case basis for admission consideration.

Preparing for Marketing and Business Education

High school students planning to attend UW-Stout’s MBE program should prepare by taking traditional college preparatory classes. In addition, high school students should explore their interests by taking courses such as, principles of marketing, desktop publishing, accounting, sports and entertainment marketing, personal finance, sales and advertising promotion, intro to business, international marketing, and entrepreneurship. Previous work experience in business and marketing is beneficial. Students may also benefit from co-op and internship experiences. Participation in school organizations such as DECA, BPA, FBLA, and others is beneficial.

Starting Out

During your first semesters at UW-Stout, you enroll in general education courses and a sampling of business and education courses. As you progress, business and marketing courses prepare you to be the technical expert. You will also take courses that evolve your communication skills, refine your leadership capacity, and develop your creative, innovative and inventive approaches to solving emerging business and marketing opportunities.

Professional Education Courses

  • Introduction to Marketing and Business Education
  • Psychology of Education
  • Multiculturalism
  • Marketing and Business Education Methods
  • Technical Courses Include:
  • Principles of Marketing
  • Financial Accounting
  • Professional Selling and Market Development
  • Contemporary Software Applications
  • International Business or Marketing
  • Business Management
  • Advertising

Beyond the Classroom

MBE students at UW-Stout benefit through their participation in extracurricular activities. Students are encouraged to become a member of the Marketing and Business Education Association (MBEA) as freshmen and continue their involvement until graduation. MBEA members annually plan and host the DECA District 1 Conference, attend regional and state FBLA and DECA leadership conferences, as well many social activities. MBEA members have access to networking opportunities and professional development conferences that will give them a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Prior to obtaining licensure students must amass 4,000 hours of industry related work experience. Most students obtain the required work hours while working before and throughout their college career. The hours required for licensure are not required for graduation.

Objectives & Outcomes

You will acquire ideas, knowledge, and skills through real-world classroom situations and apply them in real-world education and business settings.

UW-Stout MBE students are part of a program that:

  • Immerses you in business and marketing coursework through the UW-Stout College of Management.
  • Engages you in experiential learning through its laptop initiative and its learning-centered in-field experiences.
  • Exposes you to passionate and experienced faculty and advisors that are connected with the marketing and business education community across the state and nation.
  • Provides you with the career flexibility you need in an ever-changing world.
  • Prepares you to choose a career in teaching marketing and business and/or enter a wide range of business, marketing and management positions.
  • Supports you with caring program faculty and individualized advisement so you can efficiently achieve your academic goals.
  • Develops your leadership and management competence through a built-in business administration minor.
  • Expands your network through its professional student organization known as the Marketing and Business Association (WMEA, WBEA, DECA and FBLA affiliated).

"Passionate and inventive individuals effectively compete in a world that communicates at the speed of light and moves ideas, products, services and people fluidly across borders and cultures. Allow yourself to compete in this world by exploring the possibilities of a degree in Marketing and Business Education at UW-Stout."

Urs HaltinnerMBE Program Faculty

Career Opportunities

On the average, about 50 percent of MBE graduates accept teaching positions immediately following commencement. Another 50 percent accept positions in business and industry. Often, after working in business for several years, MBE program graduates seek employment in education.

MBE graduates, who have become teachers, teach middle and high school classes including principles of marketing, personal finance, sales and advertising promotion, and accounting. Graduates are also teaching in technical and community colleges, and four-year universities throughout the United States and even in other countries. Advanced career opportunities include athletic directors, director of instruction, principals and vice-principals, district administrators, and school counselors.

Program graduates working in the industry have worked in financial services, medical sales, convention planning, sales, as business owners, and purchasing agents. 

Program Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee Members

AllysonBarkaProgram Manager, Northwestern DistrictJunior Achievement
AndrewBehnkeBusiness TeacherNorthStar Middle School
Debra CottrellVice President of AdministrationVertin
MelissaDeveryBusiness and Marketing TeacherPlum City High School
ShelbyDixonStudent; Student Representative, MBEAUW-Stout
Tim FandeckMarketing Education, Program ConsultantWisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Urs HaltinnerProfessor (Retired)UW-Stout
JenniferJacksonBusiness Education, Program ConsultantWisconsin Department of Public Instruction
ShelbyJohnsonStudent; Student Representative, MBEAUW Stout
FatmaKaraman KabadurmusProfessorUW-Stout
JohnKlevenPost-Secondary Marketing EducatorChippewa Valley Technical College
SarahKockenProgram Manager, Stout OnlineUW-Stout
JoannaLeeBusiness and Marketing TeacherBaldwin-Woodville High School
Craig MooreAssociate ProfessorUW-Stout
BrittnieProckMarketing TeacherEau Claire North High School
DeannaSchultzAssociate Dean; Director, School of EducationUW-Stout
Debbie StanislawskiProgram DirectorUW-Stout
KathleenThornMarketing and Business Teacher, Colfax School District
ScottVaverSenior LecturerUW-Stout
AllysonBarkaProgram Manager, Northwestern DistrictJunior Achievement
AndrewBehnkeBusiness TeacherNorthStar Middle School