P.S.M. Conservation Biology

Help preserve the species, habitats, and ecosystems of our world.
Degree Type Professional Science Masters
Careers & Salaries Graduate Degree Outcomes
Delivery Online

Lead the Conversation About Conservation

UW-Stout's 100% online Professional Science Master's (P.S.M.) in Conservation Biology program combines flexible coursework and a diverse research focus to pursue careers in business, industry, government, and nonprofit agencies that address the human impact on threatened and endangered species, habitats, and ecosystems around the world. Take your career to the next level with a master's ability to understand, evaluate, and communicate conservation practices in ecology, biodiversity, fisheries, watershed management, native species and habitats, global climate change, environmental laws and regulations, and natural resource management.

Icon of a laptop with the WiFi icon on the screen

100% Online: Complete Your Degree at Your Own Pace and Schedule.

Career-Defining Curriculum

Our graduates work as professionals in conservation biology, environmental science, cellular and molecular biology, aquatic and marine science for public and private businesses, government agencies and nonprofit organizations.

Line drawing of a basic notebook with a dog-eared corner.

Program Overview

View program plans, credit requirements and course descriptions.


Three Paths to Degree Completion

  • Non-thesis: Most popular with students in the workforce who do not plan seek additional schooling (e.g. Ph.D. program). A communications-related course is required in lieu of thesis research and composition. This fosters an advanced skillset in writing while retaining the convenience of a specific, structured course. ENGL-615 is the declared core course, but others may be substituted with program director approval.
  • Paper (Option A): Recommended only for students who have a solid connection with a researcher in the field, but it is the best option if additional schooling (e.g., Ph.D. program) is in your future. Comparable to a traditional M.S. thesis, Paper (Option A) requires a novel contribution to the field. Students work with a research advisor, and then provide an oral defense before a research committee.
  • Paper (Option B): The most popular option for students seeking a thesis effort without the investment of time and expense required for Option A (BIO-7356, 3 Credits vs. BIO-770, 6 Credits). Students work with a single research advisor to carry out their work. The paper can take the form of a traditional research project; however, it may also take the form of a pilot study, a quality literature review, or even a well-developed grant proposal. If additional schooling is in your plans, this is an alternative option for you.

Program Outcomes

The unique 18-month distance-learning program prepares you to:

  • Articulate the causes and consequences of anthropogenic disturbances on biodiversity
  • Research and critically interpret scientific literature to formulate hypotheses
  • Develop scientific foundational knowledge of current issues and problems
  • Apply contemporary analytical and experimental design techniques
  • Analyze and predict responses of biological communities to past and future disturbances
  • Assess the potential of conservation strategies to help protect biodiversity
  • Organize and work with diverse stakeholders to address environmental concerns

Use the Request Information form to receive a program summary and learn more about the Professional Science Masters (PSM) degree in Conservation Biology.

Request Information

Industry-Experienced Faculty Instruction

Regardless of where you live and learn, our industry-experienced and academically accomplished faculty will help further your knowledge, skills, and passion for limnology, political ecology, fish and wildlife management, and other conservation issues impacting urban and rural communities. Meet your future instructors!

View the Conservation Biology Faculty

Professional Internship Placements in Conservation Biology

Take your education into industry and earn while you learn through UW-Stout’s award-winning Cooperative Education & Internship Program (CEIP) and other placements. Unlike traditional internships, our professional paid and pro bono experiences connect you with leaders in your field, including environmentally conscious companies, impactful NGOs, and government agencies, to ensure you’re set up for success long before you graduate.

Recent Internship Employers

  • Aldo Leopold Nature Center
  • McCormick Biological, Inc.
  • Northwest Michigan Invasive Species Network
  • Prairie Restorations, Inc. 
  • Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
  • State of Hawaii Department of Land & Natural Resources
  • U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
  • U.S. Forest Service

Customized Tuition & Fees

UW-Stout degree programs using the all-inclusive customized instruction model are designed with the adult learner in mind. Other universities will present costs and value differently, so make sure you're comparing apples to apples. If you're comparing UW-Stout's online degree customized instruction (CI) tuition to our competitors, keep in mind:

  • Customized instruction tuition rate includes the textbook rental fee.
  • There are no additional or hidden university-based semester or technology fees.
  • Students in customized instruction programs pay the same rate of tuition regardless of where you live--Wisconsin, California, Texas, or in a foreign country.

More Value for Your Money

Customized Instruction also provides:

  • Program Director/Coordinator: Faculty with academic and industry expertise.
  • Student Services Advisor: One point of contact, providing dedicated support throughout your degree program.
  • Course Sequences & Matrices: Plan ahead with clear program outlines so you know what courses are offered when.
  • Stackable Courses & Programs: Many of our courses and certificates can be applied to our degree programs.
  • Flexibility: Courses are designed to offer the flexibility and convenience working professionals need to get ahead in their careers without sacrificing their current income and responsibilities.
Admission Requirements

General UW-Stout Graduate School Application

All prospective graduate students at UW-Stout must follow a standard application process through our Graduate School. Beyond that, each graduate program has specific requirements that must be met to be successfully admitted to the program:

Program-Specific Application Requirements


To be admitted to the P.S.M. Conservation Biology program, you must:

  • Hold a bachelor’s degree in biology, environmental science or a science-related field from an accredited institution.
  • Have earned a GPA of at least 3.0.

Those with a non-science related degree may be admitted if one of the three following conditions are met:

  • Completion of minimum competency course(s) with a grade of B or better,
  • Evidence of equivalent courses,
  • Evidence of professional knowledge in this area. 
Objectives & Outcomes

Program Objectives

A key distinction of the Professional Science Master's degree program is the combination of rigorous scientific theory and skill with training and experience in management and communication skills necessary for a successful professional career. Graduates of the program will have advanced scientific skills and will be able to work effectively with business and industry.

The program combines a rigorous science curriculum with other opportunities to prepare graduates who will demonstrate:

  • strong communication skills in writing and oral presentation,
  • project management skills,
  • a multi/interdisciplinary understanding of organizational goals (e.g., profits, missions),
  • a familiarity with the commercialization profession,
  • the transfer of knowledge into process or process innovation, and
  • a deep understanding and application of ethical considerations.

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the program will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of biodiversity conservation
  • Articulate (via written and oral means) the causes and consequences of anthropogenic disturbances on biodiversity
  • Contrast different viewpoints from diverse stakeholders, including industry stakeholders, as they relate to conservation issues
  • Research and critically interpret scientific literature to formulate hypotheses and develop a strong working scientific foundational knowledge of current issues and problems
  • Apply contemporary analytical and experimental design techniques
  • Analyze responses of biological communities to past disturbances
  • Predict responses of biological communities to future disturbances
  • Assess the potential of conservation strategies to help protect biodiversity
  • Recommend possible mitigation strategies
  • Organize and work with diverse stakeholders to address environmental concerns
Program Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee Members

SaraAngerCareer Development Manager, Career ServicesUW-Stout
ChristinaBaschNoxious Weed Eradication SpecialistMinnesota Department of Agriculture
Michael BessertProfessor; Program DirectorUW-Stout
Julie BestonAssistant ProfessorUW-Stout
DanielFreedmanDean, CSTEMMUW-Stout
KeithGillandAssistant ProfessorUW-Stout
SarahHagedornAnimal Facility Manager, Department of BiologyUW-Oshkosh
Bill JamesDistinguished Scientist, Center for Limnology Research & RehabilitationUW-Stout
InnisfreeMcKinnonAssociate ProfessorUW-Stout
LindsayOlsonWater Quality SpecialistDunn County Division of Land and Water Conservation
Buzz SorgeLake Management Planner (Ret.)Wisconsin DNR
Rob StrandForesterWisconsin DNR
Ka YingVangSoil ConservationistUSDA - Dunn County
AnnaVarianEnvironmental ScientistStantec
Jay WalkerExecutive DirectorGreat Lakes Aquarium

Conservation Biology

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