B.S. Business Administration

Prepare for a career in business leadership with applied education in management, accounting, finance, marketing, sales, operations and more.
Degree Type Bachelor of Science
Careers & Salaries Career Outcomes
Delivery On Campus

Strategic Business Leadership

UW-Stout's ACBSP-accredited Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Business Administration is designed to provide you with core business skills in management, finance, marketing, sales, international business, operations, human resources, and accounting. Our on-campus practicum and off-campus internship will give you a competitive advantage with real-world experiences. You'll be ready upon graduation for a variety of careers in the world of business.

Line drawing of a mortar board graduation cap.

100% of Graduates Are Employed or Continuing Education Within 6 Months

UW-Stout's B.S. Business Administration degree will teach you about management, marketing, accounting, economics, business law, finance and international commerce. / UW-Stout

Career-Defining Curriculum

At UW-Stout, you'll learn by doing and emerge with the knowledge, skills and experiences to serve as an operations manager, general manager, director of operations, plant manager, facilities manager, plant superintendent, vice president of operations or chief operating officer. Our career-focused curriculum replicates enterprise environments in the organizations of our corporate partners and businesses around the world, offering you a broad education that prepares you to make an immediate impact wherever you land.

  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • International Business
  • Law
  • Management
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Manufacturing
  • Network Administration
  • Personnel Management

In addition to the broad education offered in UW-Stout's business administration program, this degree also offers a concentration in Supply Chain Management

Line drawing of a basic notebook with a dog-eared corner.

Program Overview

View the B.S. Business Administration program's credit requirements and course descriptions.


View the credit requirements and course descriptions associated with the Supply Chain Management concentration.


Program-Integrated Minors

Business administration students will also earn one of UW-Stout’s minors as part of their multifunctional degree, and our nationally and internationally recognized faculty of researchers and educators serve as undergraduate student academic advisors.

Prepare to Take Your Career Further in Law

Pre-Law Pathways

Our pre-law professional pathways prepare you for a professional degree after you finish your bachelor’s degree.
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B.S. Cybersecurity at UW-Stout is a Transfer Friendly Program

Transfer-Friendly Program

Our transfer-friendly program lets you bring in up to 60 transfer credits from prior coursework or professional experience. This means you can graduate faster without sacrificing the quality of your education.

Use the Request Information form to receive a program summary and learn more about the Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration.

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UW-Stout's B.S. Business Administration is ACBSP accredited.

UW-Stout's B.S. Business Administration is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). The curriculum, accredited by ACBSP, blends critical thinking with hands-on experience.

"UW-Stout has helped tailor my education in a way that optimizes my occupational success, and my educational path has been nothing short of fulfilling, enjoyable, and successful."

~ Nick Super
B.S. Business Administration

Industry-Experienced Faculty Instruction

Forget TA-taught classes and 200-person lectures. At UW-Stout, building close relationships with our industry-experienced and academically accomplished business faculty will play a key role in your polytechnic education and your career. Learn more about your future instructors!

Meet the Business Administration Faculty

Professional Internship Placements in Business Administration

Take your education into industry and earn while you learn through UW-Stout’s award-winning Cooperative Education & Internship Program (CEIP) and other placements. Unlike traditional internships, our professional paid and pro bono credit-earning experiences connect you with leaders in your field, including Fortune 500 corporations, regional companies and local leaders, to ensure you’re set up for success long before you graduate. More than a third of Stout students accept positions after graduation with their internship employer.

Recent Internship Employers

  • Bobcat Company
  • Fastenal Company
  • Four Seasons Hotel
  • Gamestop Corporation
  • Great Northern Corporation
  • Kohler Co.
  • Nestle USA
  • Nordstrom, Inc.
  • Northwestern Mutual
  • PepsiCo
  • RBC Wealth Management
  • Robert Half International
  • Room & Board
  • Target Corporation
  • U.S. Bank
  • Weidner Apartment Homes
Prepare for Your Business Administration Degree

Preparation for college begins in high school. We recommend that you take computer classes as well as courses in science, advanced math, speech, and advanced writing. Involvement in extracurricular activities is valuable, and any related work experience is a plus.

Starting Out

During your first two semesters, you'll enroll primarily in General Education courses. In addition, introductory business-related courses will help you refine your career direction since the emphasis is placed on choosing a career field as soon as possible. With help from a faculty advisor, you'll choose a career area and select a minor that supports your goals. Help with course and career choices is also available through the Advisement and Career Center, the Counseling Center, and Career Services.

As You Progress

A strong general education foundation progresses to more advanced business courses in sales and marketing, management, production operations, finance, personnel, accounting, law, and international business. You'll select upper-level courses in these same areas as they apply to your career goals.

In addition, comprehensive courses in areas such as international studies, information systems, and quality management let you apply information from previous courses to a broader view of business. At the same time, you'll enroll in courses to fulfill the minor you have selected. That means that if you have an interest in employee relations and training, you might be interested in a minor in human resource management.

As mentioned before, an on-campus practicum and an off-campus work experience are included in the program. The practicum provides an opportunity to apply coursework to solve practical problems encountered in business and industry and gives you a competitive edge over other graduates.

Student professional organizations provide you with additional opportunities to learn outside the classroom setting. There are 25 identified student organizations to choose from that can help you get additional experience in your career area.

Career Opportunities

Do More With a Business Administration Degree

Industrial, consumer, service, and government organizations seek qualified professionals with knowledge about all aspects of business enterprise. Earning a bachelor of science degree in Business Administration can lead you to positions with local, national, or international firms. Additionally, many government agencies at the local, state, and national level employ business graduates.

Qualification for entry level positions depends on variables including the electives you've taken, your work experience, personal contacts, grade point average, and economic cycles.

Graduate Positions & Employers

  • Quality Control Engineer - Hormel
  • Factory Quality Auditor - West Bend
  • Sales Representative - Honeywell
  • Account Manager - Marriott
  • Senior Account Analyst - Federal Reserve Bank
  • Customer Service Analyst - 3M
  • Materials Analyst - 3M
  • Programmer Supervisor - Cray Research
  • Computer Specialist - Michaels Engineering
  • Assistant Manager - Ground Round
  • Systems Engineer - GM Data Systems
  • Program Analyst - Target
  • Owner Relations Analyst - Ford Motor
Program Advisory Committee

Advisory Committee Members

MichelleAndrewsProduction Contract ManagerRise Inc.
BryanBartsDirector, Career ServicesUW-Stout
Adam BredesenSenior Director, Account Management, Health Plan DivisionExpress Scripts
Beth BrinkmannHuman Resources ManagerGreenheck Fan Corporation
Jeff BuschProject Management ProfessionalIndependent Contractor
MaggieConwayDirector of Internship Development & RecruitmentNorthwest Mutual Insurance
TonyEgerDistrict ManagerFastenal Company
Mark FentonProfessor; Program DirectorUW-Stout
DanFreedman Dean, CSTEMMUW-Stout
UrsHaltinnerAssociate Professor (Ret.)UW-Stout
KeeganHastreiterExecutive Account Manager Hastreiter Indstries
BethanyHenthornCo-op Coordinator, Career ServicesUW-Stout
MargeryKoschProcess Safety Management, Materials Resource Division3M
KatelynLokrantzSenior Solutions AnalystTarget Corporation 
KennyMullinsAssistant Professor; Chair, Business Department UW-Stout
JustinOlsenMenomonie Branch ManagerFastenal Company
Nicholas SchaferCategory Sales  Analyst Sherwin Williams
MariaStoneProfessor; Co-op CoordinatorUW-Stout
ColbyStrilaeffBrand ManagerHormel Foods Sales, Inc. 
ReneeSurdickAssociate Dean, School of Management UW-Stout
PamVaverSenior Lecturer; Program Director, B.S. Digital Marketing TechnologyUW-Stout
ScotVaverSenior Lecturer UW-Stout

Tracking Key Student Performance Measure

The B.S. in Business Administration Student Achievement report has enrollment, final exam, employment and retention data. The Student Learning Assessment Results report is an analysis of student learning and performance standards based on specific competency attainment.

Tracking of Key Student Performance Measure

Business Administration

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