Transfer-Friendly Program
Our transfer-friendly program lets you bring in up to 60 transfer credits from prior coursework or professional experience. This means you can graduate faster without sacrificing the quality of your education.
The future of digital marketing is rapidly changing and it has led to the creation of a new type of professional who understands marketing and the technology that drives a business's marketing efforts. UW-Stout's Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Digital Marketing Technology is designed to provide you with the skills and expertise necessary to thrive in the ever-changing digital world.
Digital Marketing professionals are sometimes called Marketing Technologists, but there are a number of other titles for people with these skills. Marketing Technologists must be well versed in areas such as HTML5 / CSS3, web development, server applications, scripting, responsive design, usability, SEO, XML, analytics, social media, animation and multimedia.
The program's multidisciplinary approach combines applied theory and hands-on learning to explain digital marketing strategies, tactics and tools that prepare you to:
Whether you are a recent high school graduate, two-year transfer student or looking to change careers, our highly flexible program will prepare you for a career as a marketing communications specialist, media planner, market research analyst, social media specialist, web developer, webmaster, multimedia developer, marketing strategist, SEO diagnostics consultant, e-commerce manager, creative developer or web traffic analyst.
"Digital Marketing Technology is the future. You will be pushed, you will find success and you will be rewarded."
~ Abby FawcettB.S. Digital Marketing Technology
Our transfer-friendly program lets you bring in up to 60 transfer credits from prior coursework or professional experience. This means you can graduate faster without sacrificing the quality of your education.
Use the Request Information form to receive a program summary and learn more about the Bachelor of Science degree in Digital Marketing Technology.
Earn college credit for your non-traditional education and experiences. Prior Learning Credit can be granted for other valuable experiences you've had such as AP classes, volunteer work, military service, professional development and more.
Forget TA-taught classes and 200-person lectures. At UW-Stout, building close relationships with our industry-experienced and academically accomplished digital marketing faculty will play a key role in your polytechnic education and your career. Learn more about your future instructors!
Take your education into industry and earn while you learn through UW-Stout’s award-winning Cooperative Education & Internship Program (CEIP) and other placements. Unlike traditional internships, our professional paid and pro bono credit-earning experiences connect you with leaders in your field, including national media corporations, regional marketing agencies, and ecommerce leaders, to ensure you’re set up for success long before you graduate. More than a third of Stout students accept positions after graduation with their internship employer.
Recent Internship Employers
Select Internship Position Titles
To apply for the on-campus and online Bachelor of Science degree in Digital Marketing Technology, you need to apply to UW-Stout.
Financial Aid
Students who are attending another institution, but are planning to receive their degree from UW-Stout, may be eligible to receive aid from UW‐Stout. In these cases, UW‐Stout is considered the Home Institution and the other campus is considered the Visiting Institution.
Transfer Students
Note: When filling out the application form, be sure to make a note in the student comment section that you intend to apply to the "online program."
Upon the completion of the program, the student will attain the following outcomes:
This multi-disciplinary degree focuses on the marketing technology. The program emphasizes the application of theory to practice and will require a cooperative work experience with an approved employer. The program's professional core (41 credits) draws from a number of academic disciplines including
Students will take elective courses from these disciplines and have added flexibility to develop a secondary area of vertical depth. Using those flexible credits to achieve a minor will be encouraged. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first B.S. degree in Digital Marketing Technology offered in the United States.
UW-Stout's Digital Marketing Technology program responds directly to the rapidly evolving needs of the marketing field in a digital world. Organizations demand a new set of marketing skills as they move from traditional to digital marketing strategies. Program graduates can find employment as:
Time to Degree
Full-time students averaging 15 credits per semester will be able to complete the degree in four years. Additionally, UW-Stout offers a number of courses during winter and summer breaks that students may take to meet their four-year graduation schedule. Articulation agreements with UW Colleges and other two-year schools may allow transfer students to complete the degree in as little as two years.
Chelsea | Alvarez | Business Owner; Student | Chelsea Lynn Designs |
Sara | Anger | Career Development Manager, Career Services | UW-Stout |
Carole Jean | Baier | Program Associate | UW-Stout |
Cami | Banger | Lecturer; Program Director, B.S. Information & Communication Technologies | UW-Stout |
Bryan | Barts | Director, Career Services | UW-Stout |
Maggie | Conway | Director, Internship Development | Northwest Mutual |
Abby | Fawcett | Digital Marketing Professional | Thomas-Reuters |
Mark | Fenton | Professor; Program Director, B.S. Business Administration | UW-Stout |
Daniel | Freedman | Dean, CSTEMM | UW-Stout |
Kristal | Gerdes | Professor; Chair, Hospitality & Technology Innovation Department | HRTM Programs, UW-Stout |
Karen | Hager | Senior Marketing Manager, Activation | Bobcat Company |
Bethany | Henthorn | Manager, Co-op Education & Internship Program | UW-Stout |
Alissa | Lindholm | Marketing & Events Manager | The Mabel Tainter |
Ana | Maupin | Student | UW-Stout |
Daryl | McNutt | Owner | New Moon Ski & Bike |
Pat | Meuers | Vice President, Web Delivery-Digital Solutions | FindLaw (Thomson Reuters) |
Dale | Mord | Owner | Rogue Productions |
McKenzie | Munsion | Supervisor | John Roberts |
Juan | Ramirez | Regional Recruiter | Fastenal |
Greg | Rettler | Ecommerce & Digital Marketing | Armor Animal Health |
Jonathan | Robinson | Quality Assurance Testing Engineer | JAMF |
Aliyah | Sherman ('24) | Graduate Student | Trinity College Dublin |
Renee | Surdick | Associate Dean, CSTEMM | UW-Stout |
Tony | Tellijohn | Managing Partner; President | Akton Interactive, MNSearch |
Kevin | Tharp | Professor | UW-Stout |
Kate | Travis | Digital Marketer | Collegis Education |
Pam | Vaver | Program Director | UW-Stout |
Scott | Vaver | Senior Lecturer | UW-Stout |
Darren | Ward | Director of Admissions | UW-Stout |
Cheyenne | Wood | Marketing Strategizer | Big Dot of Happiness |
Amanda | Zastrow | Adult & Student Services Coordinator, Stout Online | UW-Stout |