Improve Efficiency Through Sustainable Solutions
The Sustainability minor is intended to draw from and supplement your major and is compatible with most of our majors at UW-Stout. As a sustainability professional, you may help your employer conserve resources (from energy to water to dollars) and improve efficiency. You may create new, more environmentally and socially responsible technologies or services and educate stakeholders about environmental and social issues while engaging them in planning and programming accordingly.

With your minor in Sustainability, you will learn to meet the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs and to do so while maintaining ecological processes, functions, biodiversity, and productivity into the future.

You will gain an understanding of the scientific basis for sustainable resource use as well as the social and economic implications of sustainable practices. We'll explore the challenges of sustainability and how it may be used to develop solutions to pressing issues at local and global levels.

Your work will focus on the intersection of environment, economics, and social and cultural issues: what's referred to in the business world as the "triple bottom line" of people, profits and planet.