On April 5, 2019, the UW-Stout Computer Networking and Information Technologies (CNIT) program hosted 20 IT instructors representing 13 technical colleges in Wisconsin and Minnesota.
Participants engaged in hands-on lab activities, testing and discussing them in a guided process to examine how the labs might be incorporated into their courses. Lab topics include cloud computing, mobile technology, wireless security, VoIP and various operating system vulnerabilities. When complete, the new labs will be made available for technical college instructors to use in their courses.
Attendees learned about the CAE designation process, and were invited to explore articulation agreements with UW-Stout and learn how they can serve as IT Ambassadors to inform students at their home institutions about four-year degree opportunities at UW-Stout.
The workshop was funded by a grant awarded to UW-Stout from the U.S. Department of Defense, pursuant to UW Stout’s 2017 designation as a National Center of Academic Excellence (CAE) in Cyber Defense by the National Security Agency (NSA), the first four-year university in Wisconsin to receive this prestigious designation.