Social Justice

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In this Section

At Stout, you’re more than just a student. You’re an individual that has the power to speak up and use your voice for the greater good. 

Here, we create spaces that allow for dialogue surrounding cultural topics. We support you in your preparations to thrive in a global community. And we believe that students have the power to help make the world a better place.

When you choose Stout, you have the opportunity to be a part of that.


85% of students expanded their cultural understanding at events

Students get to know someone new at "Real Talk Tuesdays" and chat about real world issues / Brett T. Roseman

Ways to Get Involved

We offer programming that gives you the chance to learn about the experiences of others, make connections across differences and engage in conversations surrounding current events.

SPEAK UP, a university program which stands for Social Justice Programming, Engagement, Action, Knowledge & Understanding People, works to involve you in social justice conversations. Events are created and facilitated by your peers and range in topics related to social justice. Attend events like social justice coffee hour or keynote speakers and workshops.

"I expanded my knowledge and became exposed to things I otherwise wouldn't have through SPEAK UP."
Lois Cassell Memorial Student Center employee
Eva Schloss, Holocaust survivor and educator for global peace, met with a group of faculty, staff and students in the Memorial Student Center / Brett T. Roseman
Use your voice

SPEAK UP for social justice

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