This website is designed for educational professionals who are interested in mentoring student teachers from UW-Stout or another institution of higher education. Our hope is that this website will serve as a valuable resource to our PK-12 partners, offering updates on School of Education student teaching criteria, policies and procedures.
UW-Stout offers training in the supervision of student teachers as required by Wisconsin's Department of Public Instruction.
These modules are designed for educational professionals who are interested in mentoring student teachers from UW-Stout or another institution of higher education. Our hope is that these modules will serve as a valuable resource to our PK-12 partners, offering updates on School of Education student teaching criteria, policies and procedures.
The purpose of these modules is to introduce a new cooperating teacher to the School of Education's conceptual framework and assessments. These modules may also serve as a resource for experienced cooperating teachers providing an update of the state of Wisconsin and University teacher education preparation criteria, policies and procedures.
After reading the information in each module, you will be asked to submit an assignment reviewing the key points. UW-Stout offers training in the supervision of student teachers as required by Wisconsin's Department of Public Instruction.
Cooperating Teacher Criteria
The Department of Public Instruction requires that cooperating teachers meet the following three criteria:
- Hold a Wisconsin license or its equivalent for the teaching assignment and have volunteered to serve as a cooperating teacher
- Have at least 3 years of teaching experience with at least one year of experience in the school system of current employment
- Have completed training in both the supervision of clinical students and in the applicable standards in subch. II PI 34.15.
**If you have satisfied these three requirements, please submit this completed module assignment and verification form to Josh Bowe (contact information on side).
Chapter PI 34: Teacher Education Program Approval and Licenses
School of Education Conceptual Framework
Since the School of Education's founding in 2003 at the University of Wisconsin-Stout, its mission has been to engage in exemplary teaching, research, and service to ensure that graduates become successful professional educators in PK-12 settings. Further, the School of Education's vision is to prepare teachers and other professional educators who are reflective practitioners and engage in evidence-based practice.

The process of becoming a reflective practitioner follows a framework for teaching that includes: a) planning and preparation, b) classroom environment, c) instruction and d) professional responsibilities (Danielson, 1996). These four domains are aligned to the Wisconsin Standards for Teacher Development and Licensure and contain necessary and specific components that are assessed at multiple stages throughout each student's teacher education preparation program.
View Chart of InTASC/Wisconsin Teacher Standards Linked to Danielson Framework
Policies and Procedures
The UW-Stout School of Education (SOE) Teacher Candidate Final Field Experience Handbook serves as a guide for teacher candidates, cooperating teachers, and university supervisors regarding SOE student teaching/intern teaching policies, procedures, and expectations. The information in the handbook applies to teacher candidates in all professional education programs. Some education programs supplement this handbook with program-specific information or forms.
Please review this information carefully prior to the start of the student teaching/intern teaching experience and contact the coordinator of field experiences, program director, or university supervisor with any questions or concerns.
Teacher Candidate Final Field Experience Handbook, revised June 2024
Roles and Responsibilities of Student Teaching Triad
The Student Teacher Triad consists of the teacher candidate, the cooperating teacher, and the university supervisors. Read about each of their roles and responsibilities.
View each role in the following section of the Teacher Candidate Final Field Experience Handbook, revised June 2024.
- Teacher Candidates, section III. Candidates are also expected to maintain their ePortfolio throughout the program.
- Cooperating Teachers, section IV and appendix E
- University Supervisors, section V
Evaluation of Teacher Candidates
The evaluation of a teacher candidate is a continuous process that is undertaken by the cooperating teacher, the university supervisor, and the teacher candidate.
Comments regarding a candidate's knowledge, skills and dispositions in teaching should be specific and constructive. The emphasis on the domains of learning, the ten teaching standards and on authentic assessment using a variety of tools and techniques will provide candidates with a successful experience.
Evaluative feedback
On-going day-to-day evaluative feedback can be made through comments written on their lesson plans, separate evaluation sheets or through verbal discussion. Time should be set aside daily to discuss questions, address concerns, or to provide reflection on the day's events.
Mid-quarter or Mid-semester assessment
Mid-quarter or Mid-semester assessment serves as a progress check for the teacher candidate and is based upon the UW-Stout framework for Teacher Education. In addition to your assessments of the teacher candidate's performance and dispositions; it is important for the teacher candidate to evaluate his/her progress.
Evaluation procedures will include conferences that involve the teacher candidate, the cooperating teacher and the university supervisor.
Reviewing the evaluation form and disposition rubric together will help your teacher candidate understand areas of strength and needed growth. Teacher candidates appreciate forthright evaluations to help them channel their efforts.
You may also include comments on the form that summarize the teacher candidate's strengths and areas for continued growth in relation to UW-Stout's framework for teaching. The mid-quarter or mid-semester evaluation and disposition rubric are used by the cooperating teacher, teacher candidate and university supervisor.
Mid-quarter or mid-semester assessments are completed within the online assessment platform that SOE utilizes. Cooperating teachers will get instructions and support from SOE to complete these assessments.
Final Assessment
Final Assessment is to be completed toward the end of the student teaching experience by the cooperating teacher. Reviewing the evaluation form and disposition rubric together will help your teacher candidate understand areas of strength and needed growth. Teacher candidates appreciate forthright evaluations to help them channel their efforts.
The final assessments are archived by SOE for licensure purposes.
Final assessments are completed within the online assessment platform that SOE utilizes. Cooperating teachers will get instructions and support from SOE to complete these assessments.
Checklist of Student Teaching Forms, revised 7/17/24
Reference copy of evaluation form and disposition form; forms will be completed via SOE's online assessment platform.
Department of Public Instruction Cooperating Teacher Criteria
The Department of Public Instruction requires that cooperating teachers meet the following three criteria:
- Hold a Wisconsin license or its equivalent for the teaching assignment and have volunteered to serve as a cooperating teacher
- Have at least 3 years of teaching experience with at least one year of experience in the school system of current employment
- Have completed training in both the supervision of clinical students and in the applicable standards in subch. II PI 34.15.
**If you have satisfied these three requirements, please submit this completed module assignment and verification form to Josh Bowe (contact information on side).
Chapter PI 34: Teacher Education Program Approval and Licenses