School Psychologist Site Supervisors

"It is noble to teach oneself; it is still nobler to teach others." -Mark Twain
In this Section

Welcome to the UW-Stout online information portal for school-based professionals who are, or have an interest in, supervising practicum students in school psychology from Stout or another institution of higher education. It is only through the service and contribution of professionals like you that our students receive the mentoring and real-world experiences so critical to becoming high quality and productive professionals in the field of school psychology!

Our hope is that this website will serve as a valuable resource to our school-based partners, offering updates on School of Education practicum supervision criteria, policies and procedures. School psychologists who wish to serve as site supervisors are encouraged to complete our Pupil Services Supervision Orientation Modules, required by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.  

We hope you will find this site useful and encourage you to search here for additional resources and information related to supervision that may be of interest to you.

Pupil Services Supervision Modules - Introduction
Module 1: Overview and purposes for student supervision in pupil services
  • Mission of student supervision during field experience
  • Roles and relationships between student, site, and university
  • Developing a supervisory relationship and setting goals
Module 2: Wisconsin state standards and procedures
  • WI pupil services standards
  • WI state standards for school psychology
Module 3: National standards
  • NASP professional standards
Module 4: University policies for supervision
  • Highlighted policies and procedures
  • University Handbooks School Psychology
Module 5: Multicultural principles and practices in supervision
  • Intro to cultural competency and link to related Butler, 2003 article
  • 6 principles for culturally competent supervision (Butler, 2003)
Module 1: Overview and Purposes
The Mission: 

A critical stage in the professional development of students in school psychology programs involves direct experience and mentoring in the field. These supervised opportunities allow students to both observe experienced professionals in the role and to begin applying theory to practice. It is this critical field experience component that bridges the development of the student to professional, ready to begin more independent practice.

The role of the site-based supervisor plays an important role in preparing future professionals in the fields of school psychology. At once model and mentor to practicum students/interns, the role and relationship you help to establish with the student will be key in shaping the experience they have while working together with you.

Part of the purpose of this module is to provide you, as a site-based supervisor, with information and food for thought as you develop your own game plan for how to approach the mentor/mentee relationship. The better prepared and thoughtful you are going into the experience, the better your own experience, as well as the student's, will be.

The Roles and Relationships Between Student, Site, and University:

Student Responsibilities

  1. Enroll in required field-based coursework via individual program plan.
  2. Meet with site-based supervisor as early as possible to establish a start date and initial expectations from the site.
  3. Become oriented to your school/agency the first few days by means of observations, inquiries, and participation in various activities.
  4. Comply with all of your district/institutional rules and regulations in a professional manner regarding:
    1. confidentiality/privileged communication,
    2. school/office hours,
    3. building codes,
    4. dress/grooming, and
    5. attendance/absence (absences and notifications should be coordinated with supervisor).
  5. Comply with all Ethical Codes of Conduct and other relevant professional standards (e.g., NASP, APA, ASCA).
  6. In coordination with site and university supervisors, develop an individual practicum/internship plan, as required by program requirements.
  7. Plan and maintain a regular schedule in cooperation with your site supervisor/mentor, the staff, and the administration in your school district.
  8. Plan activities, discuss problems and consult with your site supervisor/mentor on a regular basis.
  9. Keep site supervisors/mentors, school administrators, and your university supervisor informed of problems or unique situations in a timely fashion.
  10. Complete and submit all required logs and paperwork in a timely fashion each semester.
  11. Complete all required practicum/internship hours and course requirements, as set forth by individual program requirements.

Site Supervisor Responsibilities

  1. Be fully and appropriately certified/licensed as a school psychologist in their current state of employment.
  2. Have three years of experience as a school psychologist.
  3. Read and review the University provided practicum/field experience handbook. (see module 4 for UW-Stout field experience handbooks)
  4. Mentor and facilitate the introduction of the practicum student/intern to the administrators and staff of the school district or agency.
  5. Monitor and facilitate the practicum's knowledge of, and compliance with, all established district or agency rules and regulations.
  6. Verify the experiences documented by the practicum student/intern.
  7. Provide opportunities for practicum student/intern to observe and/or participate in professionally relevant experiences each week.
  8. Encourage the practicum student/intern to attend and become active in local, state, and national school psychology associations.
  9. Ensure that the student's assigned responsibilities are appropriate in scope and number for their skill development.
    1. Early practicum students (ex. Practicum I school psychology students) will participate in more shadowing and observation, to begin with, and build into more independent experiences as the semester progresses
    2. More advanced practicum students (ex. Practicum II school psychology students) and interns will engage in more independently oriented activities, with supervision and oversight from the site-based supervisor.
  10. Evaluate the performance of the practicum student/intern on a semester basis (see specific handbook for more detailed evaluation information). These evaluations are to be shared with the practicum student/intern; and, when completed, submitted to the university supervisor.

University Supervisor Responsibilities

  1. Recognize and respect the philosophy, objectives, and organizational pattern of the field site or employing agency of the practicum student/intern.
  2. Provide information and be a resource to the practicum student/intern, the site supervisor, and the associated district/agency about practicum requirements.
  3. Acquaint the site supervisor with the philosophy, objectives, and organization of the University of Wisconsin-Stout's School Psychology program.
  4. Monitor the progress of the practicum student/intern via site visits and/or arranged meetings. University supervisor is also available to the site-based supervisor as an on-going resource for information and problem-solving.
  5. Consult with the site-based supervisor and/or practicum student/intern as requested, concerning problems of professional practice.
  6. Establish and maintain good relationships with the host school and employing district or agency.
  7. Provide supervision, support, and evaluation of the practicum student/intern's performance, including participation in the Practicum Seminar meetings.
Developing a Supervisory Relationship and Setting Goals:

Establishing a positive and successful relationship between practicum student/intern and supervisor takes planning and forethought. The better prepared all participants are for the experience, the smoother and more successful it should go. The following suggestions are offered as food for thought as you prepare for the supervisory experience:

  • Meet with your selected practicum student/intern prior to the official start date, in order to meet in person, familiarize each other with initial thoughts and expectations, establish start date, weekly schedule, etc.
  • Talk about scheduling, and set out supervisory expectations about attendance and notification for absences, expectations for making up time, etc. Best practice suggests that clearly defined expectations from the start can go a long way in minimizing difficulties throughout the experience.
  • Encourage practicum student/intern to begin as early in the term as possible and consider student for participation in any professional development opportunities that might be offered through the district (ie., August PD days, start of the year activities/training opportunities, etc.)
  • Engage practicum student/intern in an open and honest discussion about their expectations and needs as they begin the field experience with you. Some students tend to be more eager and excited, while others may be nervous. Try to establish expectations and a culture of high expectations in a way that provides proper support to ease their nerves.
  • Establish a standard schedule to the extent possible, around times to meet for supervision, participation in meetings (ie., "Wed. mornings are SAT meeting days), and/or other activities that might lend themselves to "set, scheduled" opportunities
  • Work together with the practicum student/intern to develop a plan, in accordance with their individual field experience requirements, in order to familiarize yourself with their goals, and to facilitate opportunities as they are available in your unique site. Work with the student to understand the kinds of opportunities that are more or less likely to occur in your setting.
  • Consider the kinds of activities, observations, and opportunities for participation that your practicum student/intern can engage in as they are with you each week. Work with them to problem solve and develop a plan for filling their time productively during "down times" or less structured times in their day (prime them on how to review records, or summarize CBM data, etc.) so that they are able to independently and appropriately find activities to engage in.
  • Familiarize yourselves together, evaluation and paperwork requirements early in the experience, and schedule time for completion and review of mid- and end of term evaluations. Schedule a time to review practicum student/intern logs throughout the experience, in order to encourage them to keep a timely and accurate accounting of their time.
Module 2: Wisconsin Pupil Services State Standards

Field experience supervisors work with students to familiarize them with the following state standards, set forth by the Dept. of Public Instruction.

Pupil Services Standards

To receive a license in a pupil services category under s. PI 34.31, an applicant shall complete an approved program and demonstrate proficient performance in the knowledge, skills and dispositions under all of the following standards:

  1. The pupil services professional understands the teacher standards under s. PI 34.02. (see below for WI teacher standards).
  2. The pupil services professional understands the complexities of learning and knowledge of comprehensive, coordinated practice strategies that support pupil learning, health, safety and development.
  3. The pupil services professional has the ability to use research, research methods and knowledge about issues and trends to improve practice in schools and classrooms.
  4. The pupil services professional understands and represents professional ethics and social behaviors appropriate for school and community.
  5. The pupil services professional understands the organization, development, management and content of collaborative and mutually supportive pupil services programs within educational settings.
  6. The pupil services professional is able to address comprehensively the wide range of social, emotional, behavioral and physical issues and circumstances which may limit pupils' abilities to achieve positive learning outcomes through development, implementation and evaluation of system-wide interventions and strategies.
  7. The pupil services professional interacts successfully with pupils, parents, professional educators, employers, and community support systems such as juvenile justice, public health, human services and adult education.
Wisconsin Teacher Standards

The ten teacher standards for teacher development and licensure are:

  1. Pupil Development. The teacher understands how pupils grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas. The teacher designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences for pupils.
  2. Learning Differences. The teacher uses his or her understanding of individual pupil differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each pupil to meet high standards.
  3. Learning Environments. The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
  4. Content Knowledge. The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of each discipline he or she teaches. The teacher creates learning experiences that make the discipline accessible and meaningful for pupils to assure mastery of the content.
  5. Application of Content. The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage pupils in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.
  6. Assessment. The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage pupils in their own growth, to monitor pupil progress, and to guide the teacher’s and pupil’s decision making.
  7. Planning for Instruction. The teacher plans instruction that supports every pupil in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, pedagogy, pupils, and pupils’ communities.
  8. Instructional Strategies. The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage pupils to develop a deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to develop skills to apply knowledge in a meaningful way.
  9. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice. The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning. The teacher uses evidence to continuously evaluate the teacher’s practice, including the effects of the teacher’s choices and actions on pupils, their families, other educators, and the community. The teacher adapts the teacher’s practice to meet the needs of each pupil.
  10. Leadership and Collaboration. The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunity in order to take responsibility for pupil learning, to collaborate with pupils, their families, educators, and the community, and to advance the profession.
Module 3: National Standards

Pupil Services professionals are obligated to follow the standards set forth by their national affiliates.  School Psychology professionals are familiar with the Domains of Practice developed by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Please review the standards below.

Practices That Permeate All Aspects of Service Delivery

Domain 1: Data-Based Decision Making and Accountability
The school psychologist uses varied models and methods of assessment as part of a systematic process to collect data and other information, translate assessment results into empirically based decisions about service delivery, and evaluate the outcomes of services.

Domain 2: Consultation and Collaboration
The school psychologist has knowledge of behavioral, mental health, collaborative, and/or other consultation models and methods and of their application to particular situations. The school psychologist collaborates and consults effectively with others in planning and decision-making processes at the individual, group, and systems levels.

Direct and Indirect Services for Students, Families and Schools

Student-Level Services