Welcome to the UW-Stout online information portal for school-based professionals who are, or have an interest in, supervising reading specialist practicum students from Stout or another institution of higher education. It is only through the service and contribution of professionals like you that our students receive the mentoring and real-world experiences so critical to becoming high quality and productive professionals in the field of reading!
Our hope is that this website will serve as a valuable resource to our school-based partners, offering updates on School of Education practicum supervision criteria, policies and procedures. Administrators who wish to serve as site-based supervisors are encouraged to complete our Reading Specialist Supervision Orientation Modules, required by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.
We hope you will find this site useful and encourage you to search here for additional resources and information related to supervision that may be of interest to you.
Mission of Reading Specialist Site-based Supervisor
This is the final course in the Reading Specialist (WI #5017) licensure program. The purpose of this course is to prepare reading specialists for reading program implementation and evaluation in a school-based setting. The emphasis in this course is directed toward developing coaching practices, planning professional development programs, and facilitating evidence-based reading programs. This experience is designed to align with the coursework and build on knowledge, skills, and dispositions developed in the coursework. The following is a summary of responsibilities of the field experience student, site-based supervisor, and university supervisor; the responsibilities are meant to guide, but are not limited to this summary, as based on unique experiences and individual needs.
Roles and relationships between student, site, and university:
Field Experience Student Responsibilities:
- Observe and learn the role of the reading specialist in a school district.
- Work and collaborate with school personnel to develop a reading program, implement interventions, and or suggest evidence-based literacy strategies.
- Collaborate with teachers to understand literacy and assessment analysis needs.
- Evaluate the reading program to determine effects on student achievement.
- Interact with the site and university supervisors in a professional and positive manner at all times.
- Complete progress, journal and evaluation reports by expected due dates.
- Finalize ePortfolio and submit all required artifacts prior to completing the field experience.
- Update university and site supervisor as needed of any changes in contact information during the course of the field experience.
- NOTE: Current background check required: Per revised Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction PI 34 legislation for Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs), our reading program students are required to obtain a background check, using the online program supported by UW-Stout School of Education: https://www.uwstout.edu/academics/colleges-schools/school-education/background-checks. You will need to have a current background check on-file before you are able to complete RDGED 722 and apply for your #317 license. Any questions/clarifications, please contact our UW-Stout SOE Background Check Temporary Administrator, Amanda Olson.
Site-based Supervisor Responsibilities:
- DPI states: Supervision and primary responsibility should be a licensed local school district supervisor and indirectly the college or university supervisor.
- Introduce the field experience student to the administrators and staff at the school.
- Ensure that the student is totally aware of and adheres to all established institutional rules and regulations as they apply to protocol, schedules, dress, and formalities.
- Help the field experience student develop a training plan and facilitate experiences to guide the student in meeting the experiences outlined in the training plan.
- Observe/meet with the student regularly and evaluate progress at least 2 times during the semester using the evaluation form provided by the university.
- Complete evaluation forms and disposition rating on the field experience student.
- Communicate with the university supervisor at the midterm and completion of the field experience to discuss progress and evaluations.
University Supervisor Responsibilities:
- Understand organizational patterns and structures of the host school.
- Acquaint the host school site supervisor with the objectives and goals of the UW-Stout Reading Specialist Certification program.
- Monitor the field experience student progress by telephone, Skype, Google Hangouts and or email conversations. In-person visits may be necessary when the situation dictates.
- Converse with site supervisor to discuss the training plan.
- Converse with the site supervisor at mid-term and completion of the experience to discuss progress.
- Complete an ePortfolio evaluation at the end of the field experience.
- Assign a grade based on the total field experience, including the Benchmark III requirements and ePortfolio evaluation.
Developing a supervisory relationship and setting goals:
Field experience supervisors work with students to familiarize them with the following state standards, set forth by the Dept. of Public Instruction.
Wisconsin Administrator Standards
The eleven administrator standards for administrator development and licensure are:
- Mission, Vision, and Core Values. Effective educational leaders develop, advocate, and enact a shared mission, vision, and core values of high-quality education, academic success, and well-being of each pupil.
- Ethics and Professional Norms. Effective educational leaders act ethically and according to professional norms to promote each pupil’s academic success and well-being.
- Equity and Cultural Responsiveness. Effective educational leaders strive for equity of educational opportunity and culturally responsive practices to promote each pupil’s academic success and well-being.
- Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. Effective educational leaders develop and support intellectually rigorous and coherent systems of curriculum, instruction, and assessment to promote each pupil’s academic success and well-being.
- Care and Support. Effective educational leaders cultivate an inclusive, caring, and supportive school community to promote each pupil’s academic success and well-being.
- Professional Capacity of School Personnel. Effective educational leaders develop the professional capacity and practice of school personnel to promote each pupil’s academic success and well-being.
- Professional Community. Effective educational leaders foster a professional community of teachers and other professional staff to promote each pupil’s academic success and well-being.
- Meaningful Engagement. Effective educational leaders engage families and the community in meaningful, reciprocal, and mutually beneficial ways to promote each pupil’s academic success and well-being.
- Operations and Management. Effective educational leaders effectively manage school operations and resources to promote each pupil’s academic success and well-being.
- School Improvement. Effective educational leaders act as agents of continuous school improvement to promote each pupil’s academic success and well-being.
- Teacher Standards. Effective educational leaders understand and demonstrate competence in the teacher standards under s. PI 34.002.
Wisconsin Teacher Standards
The ten teacher standards for teacher development and licensure are:
- Pupil Development. The teacher understands how pupils grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas. The teacher designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences for pupils.
- Learning Differences. The teacher uses his or her understanding of individual pupil differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each pupil to meet high standards.
- Learning Environments. The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
- Content Knowledge. The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of each discipline he or she teaches. The teacher creates learning experiences that make the discipline accessible and meaningful for pupils to assure mastery of the content.
- Application of Content. The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage pupils in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.
- Assessment. The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage pupils in their own growth, to monitor pupil progress, and to guide the teacher’s and pupil’s decision making.
- Planning for Instruction. The teacher plans instruction that supports every pupil in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, pedagogy, pupils, and pupils’ communities.
- Instructional Strategies. The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage pupils to develop a deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to develop skills to apply knowledge in a meaningful way.
- Professional Learning and Ethical Practice. The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning. The teacher uses evidence to continuously evaluate the teacher’s practice, including the effects of the teacher’s choices and actions on pupils, their families, other educators, and the community. The teacher adapts the teacher’s practice to meet the needs of each pupil.
- Leadership and Collaboration. The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunity in order to take responsibility for pupil learning, to collaborate with pupils, their families, educators, and the community, and to advance the profession.
Please read the following attachment:
Reading Specialist Handbook
Please read and understand the UW-Stout Reading Specialist Field Experience Handbook
Practicum students/interns are expected to honor the schedule set in coordination their field-based supervisor and to adhere to that schedule consistently. Much like in the typical professional field, personal illness or emergency are generally accepted exceptions. Occasionally, students will have an opportunity to participate in a professionally relevant event, such as a conference, or job interview. All such events should be requested in advance with the field-based supervisor for approval, with a plan for making up the time developed if necessary.
Supervisors are encouraged to discuss the expected attendance policy with the practicum student/intern at the outset of the experience, and to develop a plan for notification of absences and planning make-up time, etc.
Termination or Removal of a Practicum Student/Intern
The University of Wisconsin-Stout recognizes the right of the cooperating school district and the university to terminate a student's professional placement without notice, if necessary. A practicum student/intern may be immediately removed when the continued participation in the experience is determined by the school district or university supervisor(s) to adversely affect the pupils served, the university student, the participating school or agency, or the University. If the practicum student/intern is not meeting the minimum requirements of the experience but not requiring immediate removal as determined by the field-based supervisor(s) and the university supervisor, the practicum student/intern may be consulted prior to a decision regarding termination. Whenever possible, the practicum student/intern will be provided an opportunity to remediate deficiencies prior to a termination decision. If possible, the School of Education's Coordinating Chair is to be consulted prior to a termination. In the event that removal of a practicum student/intern is deemed warranted by the field placement, the following procedures are recommended:
- Consultation concerning the removal of a practicum student/intern takes place between the coordinating teacher and/or school principal and the field-based supervisor. The university supervisor is notified of their decision.
- The university supervisor notifies the practicum student/intern of the impending removal from student teaching/internship and the reason.
- The university supervisor notifies the School of Education's Coordinating Chair. The School of Education's Coordinating Chair provides written notification to the student and to the Coordinator of Field Experiences.
- A practicum student/intern who is terminated for cause receives a failing grade.
- The removal of a practicum student, when initiated by the university placement, includes the following procedures.
- Consultation concerning the removal of a practicum student/intern takes place between the university supervisor, the coordinator of field-based experiences, and the field-based supervisor
Department of Public Instruction Site Supervisor Criteria
The Department of Public Instruction requires that site supervisors meet the following three criteria:
- Have an administrator license and have volunteered to serve as a site supervisor
- Have at least three years of experience with at least one year of experience at the current place of employment
- Have completed training in both the supervision of clinical students and in the applicable standards in subch. II PI 34.15.
**If you have satisfied these three requirements, please submit this verification form to Josh Bowe (contact information on side).
Chapter PI 34: Teacher Education Program Approval and Licenses