Winterm & Summer Session Registration

Apply for Winterm & Summer Session classes with helpful step-by-step guides to view your enrollment date and search for courses.
In this Section

Summer Registration Opens March 15!

Continuing students begin registering on March 12.

A complete list of Summer and Winterm courses can be viewed in Access Stout when available.

Credit Limits


  • Undergraduate: Up to 12 credits
  • Graduate: Up to 10 credits 


  • Undergraduate & Graduate Students:  Up to 4 credits 

Requests for an exception in special circumstances must be approved by the appropriate program director. Due to the compressed schedule of instruction, it is recommended that at most one credit per week be taken during the summer session(s) for which the student is enrolled. Students may not register for classes that conflict with another class on their schedule. The program director's signature (if approved) must accompany the registration. 

Students who register for more than the above limits with written approval and find they cannot carry the added courses will be responsible for all course fees incurred unless the course is dropped within the refund period.

How to Register

Current Students

Current students may register for a Summer or Winterm class as soon as their registration window opens. No additional form or approval process is needed.

New Degree-Seeking Students

Degree-seeking students who are new and want to take a Summer or Winterm course should contact Admissions to backdate/change their admit term to Summer or Winterm. After this is complete, you will need to log in to Access Stout to view when your registration window opens to proceed with registering.

New Non-Degree Seeking Students

New non-degree seeking students, including ECCP/High School Special students, are required to submit an application for admission. Upon Admission, you will receive your next steps and registration instructions.

How to Apply:  Non-Degree seeking students