Disability Services

Creating equal access and opportunity to all campus programs and services for persons with disabilities.
In this Section

Disability Is an Aspect of Diversity 

Disability Services is committed to creating equal access and opportunity to all campus programs and services for persons with disabilities. We encourage you to reach out with questions and we welcome students to connect whether you are a prospective student or are currently attending, have a history of accommodations, or are exploring disability-related accommodations for the first time.

Student AIM Portal - Login & Application

New students log in to submit an application. Connected students, log in to access your portal & request accommodations.

Instructor AIM Portal - Login

Access faculty notification letters and fill out the exam request form.


Getting Connected to Disability Services

Students seeking to connect to Disability Services will complete the following steps, briefly outlined below: 

  1. Create an AIM application. Students are required to create their own AIM profile as our process is student-centered and accommodation requests must be made by the student.  AIM access is restricted to the student and Stout login credentials should not be shared. Parent/student supporters with questions should reach out through disabilityservices@uwstout.edu.
  2. Submit documentation of a disability. More information about our guidelines is available below.
  3. Meet with an Access Coordinator to discuss barriers you experience and potential accommodations.


Documentation Guidelines

One aspect of getting connected to Disability Services is to submit documentation of a disability. Please refer to our Documentation Guidelines for details.

If you have questions about what type of documentation to provide or generally about the documentation guidelines, please reach out. It is not required to have had a plan in place previously in order to connect with our office. An IEP or 504 plan may or may not meet the criteria outlined in the Documentation Guidelines. We recommend passing on these guidelines directly to a healthcare provider or appropriately licensed professional.