External Scholarships

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All Scholarships

Single Parent Scholarship

Eligibility Requirements

In order to qualify for the Custody X Change Single Parent Scholarship, you must:

  • Have primary physical custody of one or more minor children
  • Be enrolled full or part time as an undergraduate at an accredited college or university
  • Have a GPA of 3.0 or higher or be a first-semester student

The scholarship is open to single parent students around the world. If you're outside the US, you should have the equivalent of 3.0 GPA or higher on your university's grading scale.

For more information please visit:



TermAmountDeadlineAwarded By
Spring$1000Dec 31Jan 31
Summer$500Apr 30May 31
Fall$1000Aug 31Sep 30






Phone & Email:


Bold.org is another great resource for many different scholarships. There are ones with essays and without, and different amounts of awards.

Find Scholarships for College Students in 2024-2025 | Bold.org


Benjamin Gilman Study Abroad Scholarship

The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program offers grants for U.S. citizen undergraduate students of limited financial means to pursue academic studies or credit-bearing, career-oriented internships abroad.

Over 2,800 scholarships of up to $5,000 will be awarded this academic year for U.S. citizen undergraduates to study or intern abroad. Award amounts will vary depending on the length of study and student need.

For more information about this scholarship, please click on the link below:



Benjamin A. Gilman International


Phone & E-mail:


National Science Foundation Scholarships

The National Science Foundation funds research and education in most fields of science and engineering. It does this through grants, and cooperative agreements to more than 2,000 colleges, universities, K-12 school systems, businesses, informal science organizations and other research organizations throughout the United States.  The Foundation accounts for about one-fourth of federal support to academic institutions for basic research.

NSF receives approximately 40,000 proposals each year for research, education and training projects, of which approximately 11,000 are funded. In addition, the Foundation receives several thousand applications for graduate and postdoctoral fellowships.

For more information on undergraduate and graduate funding, please visit: http://www.nsf.gov/funding/index.jsp



National Science Foundation

4201 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, Virginia 22230

Phone & E-mail:



Hispanic Scholarship Fund

These scholarships are for students of Hispanic heritage. Visit the website for information on specific scholarships and further eligibility requirements.

Award amounts range from $1000 - $2500.

For more information please visit our website:



$1,000 - $2,500




Phone & E-mail:


National Restaurant Foundation Scholarship

For undergrad students pursuing a career in the food service industry. For more information and an application, visit the web site. 




Jesse Singerhouse

National Restaurant Association Educational Foundation (NRAEF)

P.O. Box 220
Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751

Phone & E-mail:

March 15th Annually

#Nursing Scholarship

Every year #Nursing is offering up to three $1,200 scholarships to students attending universities, colleges, and other academic and non-academic institutions across the U.S. on their way to becoming nurses, of any kind.


  • Applicants must be U.S. citizens.
  • Applicants must pursue a nursing-related career.
  • Applicants must be under the age of 40.
  • Applicants must show proof of enrollment to their place of study.


For more information and how to apply please visit:





Phone & E-mail: 

December 31 (Annually)

Great Lakes Hemophilia Scholarship

The Career Development Scholarship provides funding assistance for tuition and enrollment fees relevant to continuing education in a non-traditional or non-degree format. This could include education programs that specialize in the skilled trades, applied sciences, modern technologies or career advancement. For example, classes in welding, accounting, dental hygiene or computer programs. This scholarship is intended to promote career development for those living with bleeding disorders. Parents and spouses are also eligible for this scholarship. Applicants must be a Wisconsin resident or receive care at a Wisconsin Hemophilia Treatment Center.

For more information about this scholarship and how to apply please visit


Stop by the UW-Stout Financial Aid Office, 210 Bowman Hall, to pick up an application

Up to $500 Per Class

Kailee Frederick

Great Lakes Hemophilia Foundation

Great Lakes Hemophilia Foundation
638 North 18th Street, Suite 108
Milwaukee, WI 53233

Phone & E-mail: 

Open throughout the year

Loss of a Parent Scholarship



Criteria: Scholarship awards are presented to students who have completed their sophomore year of college (or 60 semester hours or the equivalent) by the time of the application deadline and are majoring in accounting or finance. Candidates must have a minimum cumulative college grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale or the equivalent. Scholarship candidates will be reviewed on leadership, character, communication skills, scholastic average and financial need.

 Please Note: Undergraduate scholarships are awarded in May of 2024 for the upcoming 2025-2026 academic school year.

Required Application Details

 visit: www.afwa.org/scholarships/submissions/ 



Donor: Foundation of Accounting and Financial Womens Alliance



Phone & E-mail:

April 1st, 2025

Race to Inspire Scholarship

Race Entry is an online race registration company that supports students of all disciplines who pursue self-improvement and enhanced health through race preparation and participation. Annually Race Entry is offering a $500 scholarship to the winner of our annual “Race to Inspire” essay contest. Many people have different reasons for running in a race. We want to hear & share your inspiring story.


  • Must be able to verify enrollment for college at an accredited university inside the USA during the fall semester of the same year the essay is submitted

For more information, please visit: https://www.raceentry.com/race-to-inspire-scholarship





Race Entry


Phone & E-mail:support@raceentry.com

August 15th annually 

Tech Guide Scholarships

TechGuide Scholarship Page

The TechGuide Scholarship page provides a resource for student's interested in pursuing a degree in the Technology field. There are 12 different scholarship's offered for students who are undergrads, grad students, culturally diverse students, and more. Go to this link to view all 12 available scholarships: https://techguide.org/resources/tech-scholarships/






Phone & Email:  

Annually throughout the Year

Annual Sleep Family Scholarship For Those With Disabilities

Application Deadline & Guidelines: 

  • Deadline: December 31st Annually 



  • $1,500


Eligible applicants must be: 

  • To participate in the scholarship contest, applicants must meet the following criteria:
  • Applicants must be currently enrolled at or planning to attend a 2-4 year university, community college or graduate school program located in the United States.
  • Candidates must have a medically recognized physical or mental disability.
  • The minimum GPA required for application is 2.5, indicating that all applicants are in good academic standing.

To Apply: 

To apply, please write a short essay (no longer than 750 words) that addresses the following questions:

  • What obstacles have you had to overcome on your path to academic achievement?
  • What is your ultimate goal or dream job, and what do you plan to do with your degree?

To be eligible, please send an email to info@sleepfamily.org with the following information:

  • Full name
  • Current mailing address
  • Phone number
  • Short description of your disability
  • The name of your current college or the college you plan to attend
  • Your essay
  • Attach a copy of your latest transcript (high school or college) so the Scholarship Committee can verify GPA

For more information, please visit: https://sleepfamily.org/scholarship/ 





Sleep Family


Phone & Email:  


December 31st Annually 

Addicted.org Scholarship

Application Deadline & Guidelines: 

  • Deadline: July 1st Annually 



  • $1,000


Eligible applicants must be: 

  • Be a full-time college or university student (individuals taking 12 credits – about four classes each semester).
  • Be at least 18 years old.

To Apply: 

To apply, please write a short essay (no longer than 750 words) that addresses the following questions:

  • To apply, please write an essay (1,000-1,500 words) that addresses the following:
  • Research fentanyl and how it became the threat it is today. The essay should focus on what caused it to be so available in the United States, how it affects today’s youth and potential prevention techniques that could curb overdose statistics.

To be eligible:

  • Please send all essays to Scholarship@addicted.org along with your name and the College/University you attend.
  • Essays must be sent from your College / University email address.
  • Submission Deadline – July 1st Awarded to the winner in August for Fall Semester.

For more information, please visit: https://www.addicted.org/scholarship.html 







Phone & Email:  


July 1st Annually 

Incfile Young Entrepreneurship Scholarship

Application Deadline & Guidelines: 

  • Deadline: March 31, June 30, September 30 Annually


  • $2,500


Eligible applicants must be: 

  • Must be a high school senior, undergraduate, graduate, or trade school student.
  • Must attend a U.S.-based high school, trade school or university.
  • Must hold a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Must have an interest in starting a business.

To Apply: 

  • Complete online application
  • Create a short, 2-minute video telling us how entrepreneurship will impact your life
  • Submit sample business plan.

For more information, go to: https://form.jotform.com/220125186060141



---1 (888) 462-3453




Phone & Email:  



March 31, June 30, September 30 Annually

Dr. Wes Heroman Scholarship for Health Students

Scholarship Amount:



Applications open: Feb 1st, 2025

 Closes: April 1st, 2025

Scholarship Qualifications:

Types of Scholarships: 


-First Responders

-Children Fund

-Higher Education 

How to Apply:

Visit this Link: Scholarships - Folds of Honor 








Phone & Email:  



Opens: Feb 5th, 2025

Closes: April 1, 2025

Eco-Warrior Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:



December 1st, Annually

Winner Announced on December 31st

Scholarship Qualifications:

  • Believes living a more sustainable lifestyle is important.
  • A high school senior, undergraduate student, or graduate student.
  • Applicant must be a current U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident.

How to Apply:

Visit this Link:









Phone & Email:  



December 1st, Annually

Winner Announced on December 31st

Learning Innovator Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:



April 1st, Annually

Winner Announced on April 30th

Scholarship Qualifications:

  • Uses online platforms, tools, and resources to further learning and knowledge application
  • All high school senior, undergraduate and graduate students
  • Applicant must be a current U.S. citizen or permanent legal resident

How to Apply:

Visit this Link:









Phone & Email:  



April 1st, Annually

Winner Announced on April 30th

Mental Health Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:



January 1st, Annually


The Drug Rehab USA Mental Scholarship is open to students:

  • Enrolled in any mental health degree program, including but not limited to psychology, counseling, social work, psychiatric nursing, and other related fields.
  • Applicants must be committed to making a difference in the field of mental health and demonstrate a passion for improving the lives of others.

Scholarship Qualifications:

Submit a compelling piece of content (essay, video, artwork, or any creative medium) explaining why you are pursuing a mental health degree and outlining the positive impact you aspire to make.

  • Length: Essays should be between 500-800 words, while videos should not exceed 5 minutes.
  • Creativity: Applicants are encouraged to express their passion creatively and authentically.
  • Relevance: The content should clearly address why the applicant has chosen a mental health degree and how they envision contributing to the field.
  • Current Student: Must be a current student at any University in The Unites States.
  • Student Email: You must use your student email to be eligible for this scholarship.

How to Apply:

Visit this Link:

2K Annual Drug Rehab USA - Mental Health Scholarship - Drug Rehab USA

More information found at the link provided.

Please email admin@drugrehabus.org using an .edu email from the university you are attending.

Award: $2,000






Phone & Email:  



January 1st, Annually

Foreclosure.com Scholarship

Scholarship Amount: $1,000



Applications for the Koenig’s Conservation Association annual scholarship are being accepted from December 1, 2024 through February 28, 2025. 



· Have home residence in Sheboygan County · Currently enrolled in an accredited college or university · Have already completed a minimum of one FULL-TIME year in college and reached college sophomore status · Cumulative college GPA of 2.5 or greater on a 4.0 scale · Majoring in a Natural Resource-related field 

If you meet these qualifications and would like to apply, please complete the application, include the required attachments and mail to the address listed or scan and submit via email to zfamily5wi@gmail.com prior to the deadline.

How to Apply:

Visit this Link:




Koenig Scholarship 







Phone & Email:  



Applications for the Koenig’s Conservation Association annual scholarship are being accepted from December 1, 2024 through February 28, 2025. 

Allied Military Scholarship 2024

Scholarship Amount:



March 15th, 2025


To qualify for the iMoving Military Families Scholarship Program, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  1. Military Affiliation:Must be an immediate family member (spouse, child, or sibling) of an active-duty or retired member of the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard.
  2. Citizenship:Must be a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident.
  3. Enrollment Status:Applicants must be enrolled (or planning to enroll) as a full-time student at an accredited U.S. college or university, pursuing an undergraduate degree in any field.
  4. Entry Limit:Limit of one (1) application per individual.
  5. Exclusions:Employees, affiliates, agents of iMoving, and their immediate family members are not eligible.
  6. IRS Compliance:The scholarship must comply with IRS rules to remain tax-free:
    • Funds cannot exceed educational expenses.
    • Funds are not earmarked for non-qualified expenses (e.g., room and board).
    • The scholarship is not conditional upon teaching, research, or other services required to receive the award.

Scholarship Essay:

  1. Essay Submission (500-700 words):Choose one of the following topics:
    • Challenges and Strengths: Describe a unique challenge faced as part of a military family and how it has shaped your character.
    • Relocation Experiences: Share an impactful moving experience and how it has influenced your goals or outlook on life.
    • Future of Moving for Military Families: Propose an idea for how the moving process could be improved for military families.
    • Proof of Military Affiliation:Provide documentation (e.g., military ID, service records, or dependent ID) that confirms your family’s military status.
    • Resume:Detail your educational background and any achievements or experience relevant to the topic.
    • Academic Transcript:Submit the latest academic transcript.
    • Letter of Recommendation:Include a letter from a teacher, professor, or mentor who can speak to your commitment and experiences as part of a military family.

How to Apply:


Military Scholarship Page 

Award: iMoving Military Scholarship 







Phone & Email:  




PRINT IT Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:



August 1st, 2025


To consider your application, you must provide all of the requested information and materials noted below before July 1, 2025.

The $5,000 scholarship recipient will be announced on August 1, 2025.

How to Apply:

Visit this Link:  Cindy Finley Memorial Scholarship Application • FIBCA





Donor: Cindy Finley Memorial Scholarship 




Phone & Email:  



August 1st, 2025

Future of Connectivity Essay Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • 2 scholarships in $1,000


March 31st, 2025


  • 1. All applicants must be one of the following at an accredited college or university having completed at least 1 semester of classes:
  • A. Technical Student
  • B. Undergraduate University Student
  • C. Graduate Student
  • . All applicants must be enrolled in a curriculum that will enable them to pursue a
  • career in a non-medical laboratory related field and have a 3.0 or higher Grade
  • Point Average. (ex: cannot be pre-medicine, pre-veterinary, nursing, etc.)
  • 3. All applicants MUST submit the following three pieces of information to the
  • Scholarship Committee to be considered:
  • A. A completed WLA application form.
  • B. A current transcript from the school the student is presently attending.
  • C. Two letters of recommendation from the student's instructors.

How to Apply:

Visit this Link:



Award: $1,000





Phone & Email:  



March 31st, 2025 

Empowering Women in Tech – Essay Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • $1,000

Deadline: March 7th, 2025


(word limit: 1,500)

Write the essay, referencing where you plan to attend and the program of study, and share your vision of the college journey addressing the following prompts: 

  • 1. Planning for College Costs: Start by estimating your total cost of attendance, including tuition, housing, meals, textbooks, technology, fees, transportation, and other expenses. You can use tools like the U.S. Department of Education’s Net Price Calculator to get accurate estimates. 

2. Financing Your Education: Once you’ve outlined the costs, describe your strategy for funding your education. Discuss various resources, such as grants, scholarships, financial aid, jobs, or family support that you will use to make college affordable. 

3. Financial Aid Process: Have you completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid? What impact does completing the FAFSA have on your financial plan? 

4. Managing Student Loan Debt: If loans are part of your plan, detail your approach to keeping debt manageable. Compare your potential student loan debt/payment to the salary you expect in your chosen career and discuss how you’ll stay financially responsible. How do you plan to manage any student debt in relation to your future income? Consider how this will shape your life in the next few years. 

5. Balancing Responsibilities: Describe how you’ll manage your finances, schoolwork, and any job responsibilities while staying focused on your academic and career goals.

Candidate Must: • Be a resident of Wisconsin, graduating high school senior and plan to attend a Wisconsin college or university. • Student or parent/guardian must have a valid SSN. • Demonstrate key money management knowledge (budgeting, investing, use of credit, etc.).

How to Apply:

The essay must be concise and written by the student submitting the essay. 

NOT AI Generated 

• The Money Smart Scholarship Application must be signed by the student and a parent/guardian and attached to the essay. 

• The essay and application should be emailed as a PDF or scanned attachment to: MoneySmart@debtsmarts.org 


Award: $1,000





Phone & Email:  



March 7th, 2025

Occupational Health and Safety Annual Scholarship Program

Scholarship Amount:



October 8, 2025


How to Apply

AI generated applications will not be accepted.

Students must submit an essay of between 500 and 1000 words in answer to the following question:

When you look back on your life in 30 years, what would it take for you to consider your life successful? What relationships or accomplishments will be important on this journey?

Submit essay to scholarships@aesengineers.com

There is no application packet for this award. Please do not include your resume at this time.

Be sure to include your full name as well as the name of the school you are attending this year and your plans for next year.

How to Apply:

Visit this Link: https://www.aesengineers.com/scholarships.php 



Award: AES Engineering Scholarship






Phone & Email:  



October 8, 2025

Custom Song Gift Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • $5,000


March 14th, 2025


To apply for the PCI general and corporate donor scholarships, the applicant must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be enrolled or scheduled to enroll in the upcoming academic calendar year in a two or four-year technical school, four-year university, or graduate program
  • Must be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States, Canada or Mexico – application must be submitted in English
  • Must maintain a grade point average of 2.5 or above
  • Must complete a PCI Scholarship application and attach all of the following required documents with the application by the deadline
    • Completed application
    • Transcript
    • Letter of recommendation from a faculty member


    • Should include:
    • Academic Status (school enrolled, area(s) of study, degree sought; total credit hours completed; overall GPA
    • Distinctions, honors, other scholarships
    • Work experience related to this scholarship if applicable
    • Short & long term career objectives
    • Applicants may only receive scholarship monies a maximum of two times

How to Apply:

Apply at: www.powdercoating.org 

Award: $5,000





Phone & Email:  



March 14th, 2025

Innovation in Education Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • $500


Rolling Deadline – explained in requirements portion.


  • Must currently be enrolled as a high school, college/university, or graduate student.
  • Must have a GPA of at least 3.0 (or the equivalent).
  • Must be a citizen of, permanent resident of, or hold an active F1 I-20 or active J1 DS -2019 in the United States or Canada on the date of scholarship selection (25th of each month).
  • Must have designed an innovative project that makes a difference in the lives of others (This could be a website, series of blogs, an app, fundraising event, etc.)
  • Must submit an essay describing the goal of the particular project and provide supporting documentation. There is no minimum or maximum word/page count.
  • The essay, idea or creation must be the applicant’s original work.
  • All submissions must be uploaded no later than 11:59 pm PST on the 20th of each month. The submission window closes starting the 21st and will reopen on the 1st at 8:00 a.m. Students are welcome to reapply each month. Previous winners are not eligible to reapply.
  • Scholarship winners will be contacted via email and must respond within five(5) days of the date of the email to accept the award. If no response is received within this time, another recipient will be selected. Students who have not been chosen will not be contacted.

How to Apply:

Visit this Link:



Award: $500





Phone & Email:  



Rolling Deadline – explained in requirements portion.

U.S. Veterans Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • $5,000


  • June 25th, 2025


Each entry must meet the following eligibility requirements to be considered for the scholarship:

  • Must be accepted to a U.S. based university or college
    (scholarship funds will be disbursed directly to your school)
  • All fields of study are eligible
  • Must be 18 years of age or older
  • Must be a legal resident of the United States
  • Must submit a written essay between 800 - 1,250 words
  • Must provide at least two completed letters of recommendation
    (recommendation letter form)
  • Please submit all documents in English
  • Cannot be an employee or family member of an employee of Spokeo
  • Submissions must be received by 11:59PM PT on Wednesday, June 25, 2025
  • Scholarship winner will be selected July 30, 2025

How to Apply:

Visit this Link:


Application Requirements: 

  • Send an email with the subject line “Application for Fall 2025 Scholarship” to scholarships@spokeo.com and be sure to include:
  • Essay
  • A photo of yourself


Award: $5,000


Donor: Artificial Intelligence 




Phone & Email:  



  • June 25th, 2025
Brett Hartvigson Scholarship for Student Athletes

Scholarship Amount:



  • March 21st, 2025


  • Two copies of the application.
  • Two copies of your official high school transcript with ACT scores and rank in class (if
  • available). One copy must be an official transcript, the other may be a photocopy of the original.
  • Two copies of your official college transcript if you have earned college credits. One copy must
  • be an official transcript, the other may be a photocopy of the original.
  • Print and sign the application.


How to Apply:

Pick up paper application at UW-Stout finanical aid office 

Bowman Hall 210 








Phone & Email:  



  • March 21st, 2025
Backyard Living Source, Inc. Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • Twice a year, 5 eligible applicants are randomly chosen to receive $500 each


  • Opens August 1st and Ends November 30th.
    • Awarded in Spring.


  • Scholarship applicants must be legal residents of the United States, Washington D.C., or a United States Territory.
  • They must be attending an accredited undergraduate/graduate post-secondary institution or higher education technical/ trade school for the semester the scholarship is awarded and majoring in horticulture, agriculture, or business.
  • The BLS scholarship is a one-time non-renewable award. Winning recipients are disqualified from entering again and may not be awarded the scholarship more than once. Employees of Backyard Living Source, Inc. and immediate family members are not eligible to enter.

How to Apply:

Visit this Link:



Award: $500





Phone & Email:  



  • Opens 1st and Ends November 30th.
    • Awarded in Spring.
The Responsify Empowering Others Scholarship 2024

Scholarship Amount:

  • $1,000


  • Annually October 5th


  • All applicants must be enrolled, or due to be enrolled, as a full-time undergraduate or graduate student at an accredited US college or university for the semester that they are applying to receive the scholarship.
  • Applicants are not required to have a minimum GPA. 
  • Domestic, international, online and undocumented students may apply

    Required Application Details

  • Please write a 1,000 to 1,500 word essay answering the following questions:
  • Why is empowering others so important?
  • How do you think your major can be used to empower others?
  • When was the last time you felt empowered? What inspired this?
  • Please provide proof of enrollment in an accredited college or university. A transcript, tuition receipt, or acceptance letter will be accepted.
  • Please submit The Responsify Empowering Others Scholarship form below.

How to Apply:

Visit this Link:

The Responsify Empowering Others Scholarship 2024 - Responsify


Award: $1,000





Phone & Email:  



  • Annually October 5th
CareerFitTest.com’s Annual $500 Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • $500


  • May 15, 2025


  • Applicants must be currently enrolled in or due to enroll in a full-time US-accredited undergraduate or graduate program.
  • Open to students from all fields of study.
  • Must have a minimum GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Applications are welcome from domestic, international, and undocumented students.

How to Apply:

Visit this Link:

Manufacturing & Engineering Scholarship 2024 | Apply Now (premierequipment.com)

Award: $500





Phone & Email:  



  • May 15, 2025
PixelPlex Bi-Annual STEM Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • $2,000


  • May 15, 2025


  • You are a citizen or a permanent resident of the United States.
  • At the date of the award, you must be enrolled (or accepted with plans to attend) in a college or university in the United States.
  • Your field of study is related to science, technology, engineering, math (STEM), economics, or business.
  • Write an essay
    • Format - Attach your essay as a PDF or Microsoft Word document to the email.
    • Length - The length of the essay should be a minimum of 1200 words (there is no maximum word limit).
    • Originality - The essay should be original text and not published anywhere.

How to Apply:

Visit this Link:

PixelPlex - Scholarship

Award: $2,000





Phone & Email:  



  • May 15, 2025
Chemistry Scholarship Program

Scholarship Amount:

  • Varies 


  • July 1: Fall
  • Nov. 1: Spring
  • April 1: Summer


  • Work a minimum of 25 hours a week directly with children as a teacher, assistant teacher, director or assistant director in a licensed or YoungStar participating group child care program (OR) Work a minimum of 25 hours a week as a family child care provider or family child care employee in a licensed or certified family child care program.*
  • Have the support of your sponsoring program
  • Have a diploma from an approved high school**, or have earned a GED
  • Be employed by your sponsoring program for a minimum of 3 months
  • Live and/or work in Wisconsin
  • Plan to complete credit-based coursework at a Wisconsin-based college or university

How to Apply:

Visit this Link:https://wisconsinearlychildhood.org/programs/t-e-a-c-h/ 


Award: Varies





Phone & Email:  



  • July 1: Fall
  • Nov.1: Spring
  • April 1: Summer 
Anne Napolitano Consulting Women in Accounting Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • $1,000


May 1st, 2025


Qualifications: Must be entering second year, or greater, of college. Must be enrolled in a technical or four-year College/University in the State of Wisconsin. Must be a full-time student. Scholarship must be used at a technical or four-year College/University in the State of Wisconsin Each applicant is eligible to receive the BIASEW Scholarship for their 2nd year, or greater, of college. Applicants must reapply each year.

  • Application Requirements
  • Application Procedure: ▪ Applicant must complete the BIASEW Scholarship Application and return it to the Membership Committee chairperson by the due date: May 1st, 2025
  • Applications are mailed to:
  • BIASEW Scholarship Committee ATTN: James Micech, Building Inspector C/O Village of Grafton 860 Badger Circle Grafton, WI 53024

How to Apply:

Application is downloaded and filled out, then mailed. 

Come to Financial Aid office to pick up the Application 

Award: $1,000


Donor: Building Inspector Scholarship 



Phone & Email:  



  • May 1st, 2025

Scholarship Amount:

  • Scholarships are awarded up to $5,000.


April 1st, 2025


  • HIGHER EDUCATION The Higher Education scholarship program is for spouses and children of service members who are enrolled or planning to enroll in an undergraduate program of study leading to a bachelor’s degree at an accredited college or university; accredited technical or trade school programs may also be considered. *No scholarship will be awarded to any applicant who currently holds a bachelor’s degree. Learn more about our program(s) and find out how to get involved. EIN 75-3240683 #81337 Department #13 Tulsa, OK 74182 WHY? Our heroes have consistently protected our families and defended our country while fighting valiantly to protect the liberties we hold most dear. Though America remains the land of opportunity for upward mobility and freedom from oppression, these freedoms do not come for free. Our deepest gratitude is given to those service members who have sacrificed much in order to guard our nation’s legacy of freedom. Folds of Honor gives you the chance to salute/commend the sacrifice, courage, and patriotism of these men and women, by providing educational scholarships to the loved ones they leave behind. Lt Col Dan Rooney, PGA CFC Folds of Honor 918-274-4700 FOUNDER & CEO CHILDREN’S FUND The Children’s Fund scholarship program is for children of a service member who are enrolled in grades K-12 at an accredited private school or tutoring company. *Educational tutoring may not be provided through a private individual.

How to Apply: 


Award: Scholarships are awarded up to $5,000.


Donor: Fold of Honor Scholarship



Phone & Email:  



  •  April 1st, 2025
The Devadoss Law Firm Civil Rights Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • $1500

Deadline: Scholarship application deadlines are March 15th and October 15th. 


We encourage all higher education students to check their scholarship eligibility and apply!

How to Apply:

Going Abroad Scholarship | Study Abroad

Award: $1500





Phone & Email:  



  • Scholarship application deadlines are March 15th and October 15th. 
WI Counties Solid Waste Management Association Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • $1,000


  • May 15th, 2025 


  • Qualifications of Applicants:
  • 1. The applicant must be a US resident and have graduated from a high school in Minnesota (or participated in homeschool in Minnesota).
  • 2. The applicant must be a student enrolled in, or accepted for enrollment in, a graduate training program in a behavioral science field which upon professional licensure would qualify as any of the following: Licensed Psychologist (LP), Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW), Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT), or Licensed Practicing Clinical Counselor (LPCC).
  • 3. The applicant must be in good academic standing (minimum required cumulative GPA of 3.0) in graduate program (or undergraduate program if not currently enrolled in graduate program)
  • Additional Application Items Required for Submission:
  • 1. Evidence of current enrollment OR letter of acceptance from graduate program
  • 2. Evidence of good academic standing (minimum required cumulative GPA of 3.0) in graduate program (or undergraduate program if not currently enrolled in graduate program) 3. Resume or Curriculum Vita
  • 4. Two letters from academic references 5. 750 word (maximum) essay about why you should be awarded the scholarship. Highlight your professional aspirations pertaining to rural mental health professional practice upon completion of your graduate degree.

How to Apply:

Visit this Link:https://www.woodlandcenters.com/who-we-are/ 


Award: Eugene Memorial Scholarship





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  • May 15th, 2025
Bronx Injury Lawyers P.C. Essay Competition Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • $500


  • December 31st, 2024


  • This Scholarship is open to both graduate/law students and undergraduate students seeking to go to law school in the future. All applicants must be enrolled in a U.S. undergraduate or graduate-level program.
  • All submissions should contain the authors name, address, phone number, current major and college.
  • All submissions should be emailed to bxinjuryscholarship@mail.com.
  • All submissions must be in .pdf format

    2024 Essay Topic

  • MAX 1500 WORDS
  • In the digital age, car accident cases increasingly rely on various forms of digital evidence to establish liability, damages, and causation. Please explain the growing importance of digital evidence in personal injury litigation, examine its role in enhancing case outcomes and address challenges in proving injury claims.
    • Guidelines:
      • Only answer the question provided
      • Use online articles and caselaw to support your essay.
      • Proper grammar, spelling, and citations should be used.
      • All submissions will be checked for plagiarism.

How to Apply:

Visit this Link:


Award: $500





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  • December 31st, 2024
Creative BioMart Scholarship Program 2024

Scholarship Amount: $4,000-$10,000

Deadline: May 15th, 2025


These scholarships are targeted at students who live or attend school near a Nordson facility.  Your campus is near one of these facilities; therefore, your students may be eligible to apply. 

·                     Eligible majors include Engineering (Electrical, Mechanical, Industrial, and Software), Engineering Technology, Machining, Manufacturing Operations, Supply Chain Management, Business, Marketing, Accounting, Finance, Industrial Management, Information Technology, Biomedical, and Engineering-related STEM majors leading to a career in the manufacturing industry and corporate America. 

  • Eligible students seeking bachelor’s or master's degrees must have at least 3.0 cumulative GPA.  Associate’s degree and certificate seeking students must have at least 2.7 cumulative GPA.
  • Scholarships will be awarded to students enrolled in accredited not-for-profit postsecondary institutions. 


How to Apply: 

Application: www.ofic.org/smr/nordson 



Donor: Nordson Builds Scholarship



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  • May 15th, 2025
Striving Solo Parent Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • $1,000


  • September 10th, 2025


  • must be a single parent
  • must be enrolled in an accredited university or college within the United States for the Fall 2025 semester
  • must be a permanent resident or citizen of the United States
  • must have achieved a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in your most recently completed academic semester

Visit this Link:

Daniel R. Bacalis, P.C. Striving Solo Parent Scholarship 

Award: $1000





Phone & Email:  



  • September 10th, 2025
The Dr. Lauren Papa Grant for Veterinarians and Pet Health P

Scholarship Amount:

  • $1,000


  • January 15th, 2024


  • Be undergraduate students pursuing degrees related to veterinary medicine, pet health, animal science, or a related field.
  • Have a minimum GPA (Grade Point Average) as specified in the application requirements.
  • Submit a well-crafted essay that outlines their passion for animal care and their vision for making a positive impact in the field.
  • Provide evidence of involvement in activities related to animal welfare, such as volunteering at animal shelters, participating in research projects, or engaging in advocacy efforts.

How to Apply:

  • To apply for the Dr. Lauren Papa Grant for Veterinarians and Pet Health Professionals, please follow the instructions outlined below:
  • Prepare Your Application Materials:
    • Craft a well-written essay addressing the prompt provided on our website. Ensure that your essay reflects your passion for animal care and your vision for making a positive impact in the field.
    • Gather any supporting documents, such as academic transcripts, letters of recommendation, or evidence of involvement in activities related to animal welfare.
  • Submit Your Application:
    • Compile all application materials into a single PDF document.
    • Email your completed application to apply@drlaurenpapagrant.com. Please use the subject line: “Dr. Lauren Papa Grant Application – [Your Full Name]”.
  • Application Deadline:
    • Ensure that your application is submitted by the specified deadline as indicated on our website. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Confirmation of Receipt:
    • Upon receiving your application, you will receive a confirmation email acknowledging its receipt. If you do not receive a confirmation within two business days, please contact us at the email address provided.

Visit this Link for more information:


Award: $1,000





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  • January 15th, 2024
Zicklin Contracting Restoration Awareness Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • $1,000


  • June 1st, 2025


  • Essay: 800-1,200 words, double-spaced, in a PDF or Word format.
  • Video: 3-5 minutes long, uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo with the link submitted in the application form.
  • Infographic: One-page design in PDF or high-resolution image format (JPEG/PNG).
  • The Importance of Water Damage Restoration:
    • Discuss the impact of water damage on homes and businesses.
    • Explain the restoration process and why it's essential for property recovery.
    • Provide actual examples or detailed case studies.
  • Fire Damage Restoration and Safety Measures:
    • Describe the steps involved in fire damage restoration.
    • Highlight key safety measures to prevent fire damage.
    • Provide insights on how restoration services help communities recover.
  • Understanding Insurance Restoration Services:
    • Explain how insurance restoration services assist homeowners and businesses in the aftermath of damage.
    • Discuss the process of filing a water damage restoration insurance claim.
    • Offer tips for navigating insurance claims effectively
  • Participants are required to submit an essay, video, or infographic on one of the following topics:

How to Apply:

Visit this Link for more information:


Award: $1,000





Phone & Email:  



  • June 1st, 2025
Alfa Chemistry Scholarship Program 2024

Scholarship Amount:

  • $1,000


  • October 30th, 2024


  • To receive the Alfa Chemistry Scholarship Program, students must be:
  • a full-time undergraduate, graduate, or Ph.D. student at an accredited college or university.
  • majoring in a chemistry-related field such as biochemistry, chemistry, chemical engineering and material science.
  • demonstrating academic excellence in chemistry with a cumulative average grade of a B (3.0 GPA).
  • This eligibility criterion ensures that the scholarship reaches students who are genuinely committed to furthering their academic and research endeavors in these scientific disciplines.
  • All applicants must submit the following items:
  • An online application form (on the website to download)
  • At least one letter of recommendation, either from a teacher, school counselor, or community leader.
  • Copy of current official transcript
  • A well-written essay of 600-800 words or a PowerPoint of 8-10 pages with detailed lecture notes, which should be totally original and grammatically correct. You must select one topic from the list on the website.

How to Apply:

Visit this Link for more information:


Award: $1,000





Phone & Email:  



  • October 30th, 2024
Kenton Crabb Scholarship for Entrepreneurs

Scholarship Amount:

  • $1,000


  • April 15th, 2025


  • Essay Prompt: In a well-written essay (500-800 words), please share your entrepreneurial journey, including your motivations, challenges you’ve faced, and your vision for the future of entrepreneurship. Additionally, discuss how receiving this scholarship will support your entrepreneurial aspirations.
  • Eligibility: Open to undergraduate students who are actively pursuing a path towards entrepreneurship.
  • Submission: Submit your essay along with your full name, university name, major, expected graduation year, and contact information to apply@kentoncrabbscholarship.com
  • Selection Process: Essays will be evaluated based on creativity, originality, clarity, and alignment with the values of entrepreneurship and innovation.
  • Notification: The winner will be notified via email

How to Apply:

Visit this Link for more information:


Award: $1,000





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  • April 15th, 2025
PsycheMag Scholarship Program

Scholarship Amount:

  • 1st - $1,000; 2nd and 3rd - $250


  • August 20th, 2025


  • Be a legal resident of the US or Canada (or have a valid student visa)
  • Be enrolled in an accredited college or university in the US or Canada (undergrad or grad program)
  • Be 18 years or older
  • Write a 500-word essay on “Benefits of Eating Chia Seeds Every Day” (show off your research and writing skills!)
  • Include a letter that shows you’ve been accepted into your program
  • Submit a clear headshot (they’ll use it if you win)

How to Apply:

Visit this Link for more information:


Award: 1st - $1,000; 2nd and 3rd - $250





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  • August 20th, 2025
Restricted Property Trust Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • $1,000


  • April 15th, 2025


  • Open to undergraduate students pursuing a degree in insurance, risk management, actuarial science, or related fields.
  • Applicants must be on the path to joining the insurance industry as future experts.
  • Essay Prompt: In a well-crafted essay (500-800 words), please discuss how you envision leveraging your education and skills to make a positive impact in the insurance industry. Consider the challenges and opportunities facing the industry today and outline your aspirations for the future.
  • Submission: Please submit your essay to apply@restrictedpropertytrustscholarship.com by the application deadline. Include your full name, university name, major, and contact information in the email.

How to Apply:

Visit this Link for more information:


Award: $1,000





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  • April 15th, 2025
DBA Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • All $500 ( 3 opportunities )


  • accepting applicants until June 30th for the coming school year (25-26)


  • Scholarship One:   https://www.grievelaw.com/annual-scholarship   Submit a typed essay of around 500 words on an ethical dilemma:   Describe a situation where you encountered an ethical dilemma. Discuss the conflicting values or principles at play and how you navigated the decision-making process. Reflect on the implications of your choice and what it reveals about your moral reasoning. 
  • Scholarship Two: https://www.divergentfamilylaw.com/annual-scholarship 

    Submit a typed essay of around 500 words on family dynamics:  Discuss the role of family dynamics in shaping your personal growth and development. How have your relationships with family members influenced your values, goals, and sense of belonging?  

  • Scholarship Three: https://www.grievecivillaw.com/scholarship Submit a typed essay of around 500 words on the following topic: Foresight: Do you think it is important to be planning for your future? Discuss how you feel as you make decisions today that might impact your future.

How to Apply:


Award: Grieve Law 





Phone & Email:  



  • accepting applicants until June 30th for the coming school year (25-26)
Justice in Family Law Scholarship

Scholarship Amount:

  • $500


  • August 15th, 2025


Eligibility: The scholarship is open to all U.S. citizens entering or attending a college or university, or trade school in the United States as a full-time student. Applicants must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above. Students must submit a scholarship application form in addition to submitting a piece on their passion. The following materials should be submitted to outreach@fintechabrasives.com by August 15th: 

Visit this Link for more information:


Award: $500





Phone & Email:  



  • August 15th, 2025