TRIO SSS Early Bridge Program

Get a jumpstart on university life by “bridging” your high school and Stout experiences!
In this Section

We are waiting on confirmation from the Department of Education on our TRIO SSS grant refunding status for the upcoming academic year (2025-2026). Once funding is confirmed, the Early Bridge application will become available. 

Get familiar with UW-Stout before classes even start with our Early Bridge program! The Early Bridge program will be the start of your connection to the TRIO Student Support Services program during your time at UW-Stout.

Students are eligible to apply if they have applied and been accepted into the TRIO Student Support Services program and are incoming first-year students. 

  • Program dates: Sunday, August 25, 2024 through Sunday, September 1, 2024
  • Move into your assigned residence hall at no extra cost
  • Pick up your textbooks
  • Connect with campus resources
  • Enjoy three meals per day in Price Commons cafeteria at no charge
  • Meet your SSS advisor and receive guidance from SSS Peer Mentors
  • Enroll in TRDIS 120: Strategies for Academic Success (required) to build skills to enhance your success
    • This course is free of charge.  It will be billed to your student account but covered by a tuition waiver after the first two weeks of class (mid-September).
    • Course meets daily during Early Bridge week and then once per week for the first half of the semester.
  • Learn about financial literacy offerings through TRIO Student Support Services
  • Learn about math and writing support through TRIO Student Support Services
  • Build friendships with other TRIO SSS students
  • Build confidence as a college student!

All housing, meals, events, and activities are free of charge to accepted participants.

Please apply for the general SSS program prior to filling out the Early Bridge application. You must be accepted to the general SSS program in order to be eligible for the Early Bridge program. That link is also to the right side of this page. 

Consider also applying to live in the TRIO SSS Living Community for the 2024-2025 academic year.  More information can be found in the Housing Gateway on the right side of this page.  If you have questions about the Living Community, please call or text University Housing at 715-232-1121, or email them at

Overview of UW-Stout Early Bridge Program / UW-Stout



I’m confused by all your offerings! Can you give me a summary of your programs and what is required to participate?

TRIO SSS (general program): Get academic year support in advising, tutoring, financial literacy, and more.
Requires TRIO SSS application - see right side of page. 

TRIO SSS Early Bridge Program: Move into your assigned residence hall room one week early, start the TRDIS 120 Strategies for Academic Success course, make connections with other students in TRIO SSS, and connect to campus resources. This program, including meals, housing, activities, and the TRDIS 120 course, is free to accepted participants. Students are then expected to participate in the TRIO SSS general program during their time at UW-Stout.
Requires TRIO SSS application and TRIO SSS Early Bridge application on right side of this page.

TRIO SSS Living Community: Live in an academically supportive environment in North Hall with others who have shared lived experiences, including first generation college students, students with financial need, and/or students with a documented disability.
Requires TRIO SSS application and application to join through the University Housing Gateway. If your roommate is not eligible for TRIO SSS, they can live with you and only have to fill out the application to join through the University Housing Gateway.  See right side of page for Housing Gateway. 

Can I participate in other early start programs, like Stoutward Bound, as well as Early Bridge?

Unfortunately, since the programs overlap, you will have to choose which one you would like to participate in. If you participate in Stoutward Bound, you can still apply and be a member of the general SSS program to receive support during your time at UW-Stout. 

I am planning to work on campus (e.g. University Housing) and will be moving in early for work. Can I still participate in the Early Bridge program? 

We understand that working is important to meet your financial goals while in college. We have had students move on campus early to work, but their work and training schedules conflict significantly with our Early Bridge program schedule. We build in free time into our schedule and you may end up spend the entirety of that free time working. If you plan to work on campus and move in early for training, please let us know as soon as possible so we can collaborate with your supervisor to negotiate your schedule so you can get the most out of both opportunities.