Designing Computer-Based Training

Learn just-in-time scenario-based modular development, user interface design, visual design, usability testing, and instructional strategies employed in self-paced products.
In this Section

Earn your instructional design certificate completely online. Start or advance your career as an Instructional Designer. Work around your schedule. 

Learn just-in-time scenario-based modular development, user interface design, visual design, usability testing, and instructional strategies employed in self-paced products.

Register now to reserve a spot.
There is no registration fee to reserve a class.

EDUC 767 Designing Computer-Based Training (CBT)
Online Course
Three semester hours of graduate credit
Instructors: Tricia Makowiak & Chris Cook

Register now to reserve a spot.

Summer: April 28 - June 20, 2025
Tuition: $476 per semester hour graduate credit ($1,428 for a three-credit course)
Summer Tuition Due: July 16, 2025

If you need a copy of the syllabus for your employer to approve enrollment in the class, email: Online Professional Development.

Our EDUC 767 Designing Computer-Based Training (CBT) includes how to

  • Apply the systematic process of instructional design to develop a Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) compliant reusable learning object.
  • Compare and contrast varying instructional strategies for Computer-Based Training (CBT) and select the appropriate strategy for the learning requirements.
  • Apply principles of interface design and usability testing and address cultural needs and diversity in CBT design.
  • Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of designing instruction for reusability.
  • Apply the components and instructional theories of well-designed CBT when creating self-paced learning products.
  • Articulate factors involved with designing, developing, and implementing assessments in CBT.
  • Organize and sequence content for tutorials by flowcharting a branching scenario.
  • Repurpose content for different audiences, contexts, and delivery media.


Completion of these two courses: 

Course Description

Just-in-time scenario-based modular development, user interface design, visual design, usability testing, and execution of common instructional strategies employed in self-paced products. Research trends and standards in computer-based training; development of reusable learning objects using multimedia software.

How do I register?

Complete the Online Registration Form.

If you need a copy of the syllabus for your employer to approve enrollment in the class, email: Online Professional Development.

When is the registration deadline?

Reserve your spot now. This program is very popular, and courses fill well before the start date. This course is offered three times each year (spring, summer, and fall).

This is the third required course for individuals pursuing the Graduate Certificate in Instructional Design.

This course is an approved elective in the Master of Science in Education online degree program.


Readings will be provided after you login to the course.

Software Options

This course focuses on the design of CBT relevant to your working environment.

You will research and discuss industry-leading software. You may use Adobe Captivate, Articulate Storyline or Studio, or SoftChalk authoring tools if you are familiar with the software or your organization currently uses the software. Educational pricing is available for students who purchase software directly from the company. 

For your final portfolio project, you will create a SCORM compliant reusable learning object using multimedia software.

You may use a free web-based starter tool, Udutu. A tutorial and a complete User's Guide in PDF format are provided on the website.

Our Students Say...

"My organization moved me into an Instructional Systems Designer position this week. I attribute this early promotion to the quality of the UW-Stout certificate program. I'm grateful to learn from such experienced instructors. "
~ Nicholas Imholte, Sierra Vista, Arizona

"I shared my RLO with several key people at my office, including the Chief of Operations, the Marketing Manager, the HR manager, my boss, and a group of new hires and they were all thrilled at the possibilities my newly acquired skills offered the company for future training. "

"As a result of my presentation, I was nominated to the company technology team and was advised that my career path moving forward will expand to include additional instructional design opportunities." 
~Mary Johnson, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

100% Online - No travel to campus required


  • Participate 24/7 from your home or work computer during hours that are best for your work and family schedule.
  • All discussion postings, projects, and assignments will be submitted via the course discussion board and Dropbox.
  • Activities are conducted according to a schedule with specific due dates each week.
  • This is not a self-paced class.