Teaching Middle School Math

Focus on Strategies to Teach Problem Solving in the Mathematics Classroom
In this Section

Our EDUC 659 Methods of Teaching Middle School Math online course includes how to apply:

  • Research-based practices to help students improve math achievement scores.
  • Practical ideas for motivating students to appreciate mathematics.
  • Strategies to show students how math applies to real-life situations.
  • Instructional technology and apps that will have a positive impact on learning.

Register now to reserve a spot.
There is no registration fee to reserve a class.

This course includes investigation of ratio, proportion, percent, number theory, data analysis, patterns, and connections to algebra and geometry topics in the context of the middle school mathematics curriculum, including a survey of technologies and educational software to develop mathematical thinking.

You will learn advanced teaching strategies and math interventions to help students meet math standards, improve test scores, and provide for individual needs.

Online Course
Three semester hours of graduate credit
Instructor: Michelle Dupree

Summer: June 2 - July 25, 2025
Tuition: $476 per semester hour graduate credit ($1,428 for a three-credit course)
Summer tuition due: July 16, 2025

If you need a copy of the syllabus for your employer to approve enrollment in the class, email: Online Professional Development.

We invite you to enroll in our Teaching Middle School Math course to meet your professional development goals if you need a license renewal, graduate credits, or just a refresher course.

This is one of the required courses for individuals pursuing the Math Specialist Certificate.

This course is an approved elective in the Master of Science in Education online degree program.

Course Description

Research, issues, and problems related to current reform in teaching middle school mathematics. Planning the curriculum, assessing student learning, managing instruction, and providing for individual needs.

Our students include:

  • Middle school math teachers
  • High school math teachers
  • Title I math teachers
  • Special education teachers
  • Math coaches
  • Mathematics resource teachers
  • Math interventionists

How do I register?

Complete the Online Registration Form.

If you need a copy of the syllabus for your employer to approve enrollment in the class, email: Online Professional Development.

When is the registration deadline?

Reserve your spot now. This course is top-rated, and courses fill well before the start date. This course is offered three times each year (spring, summer, and fall).


An e-textbook will be provided when you log in to the course. 

Van de Walle, J., Karp, K., and Bay-Williams, J. (2019). Elementary and middle school mathematics: Teaching developmentally (10th ed.). Allyn and Bacon. ISBN-13: 978-0134802084

If you prefer to read a hard copy of the textbook, instead of reading via your computer or tablet, you may purchase the book from an online bookstore or the publisher. Note the ISBN number and 10th edition.

Our Students Say...

"I loved the collaboration and camaraderie between both the students and the instructor. Watching this video (Five Principles of Extraordinary Math Teaching by Dan Finkel) and paralleling it with the text was pure excitement for me."
~ Tracy Allen, Wisconsin

"I must say, I really enjoyed this class.  I usually have not enjoyed math methods classes in the past because they were boring or didn’t relate to subjects/grades I teach.  I have used or plan to use everything I created in this class.  This truly feels like what a professional learning community is all about. The ability to bounce ideas off one another, the level of respect amongst colleagues, and the passion for student learning stand out as highlights for me."
~ Elizabeth Bern, Indiana

"I have been a high school math teacher for my entire career and as a Math Intervention Specialist, I am now responsible for Tier 3 RTI for grades 7-12. While I know mathematics, I have never taught grades 7-8. I needed to learn more about teaching middle school mathematics. The benefit of taking any of these courses is that it forces me to re-examine ideas and new teaching methods."
~ Dorothy Ball, New Hampshire

"The relevant readings, the websites, and software I was introduced to will be so useful in enhancing my math class. Many times I found myself thinking of the topic in a way I hadn't before."

"I'm a new teacher, and I learned many useful ideas from teachers who have been in the profession for years. It was a nice mix of educators from elementary to high school. The overall online class environment was supportive and nurturing. 

"It was so rewarding to work with teachers from all over the world. It was helpful to share our projects with class members - we can adapt them for use in our classes (with permission, of course)."

"This class forced me to look at math in a better way than simply the drill and quiz method. I find it very enlightening and helpful!"

No travel to campus - 100% Online
  • Participate 24/7 from your home or work computer during hours that are best for your work and family schedule.
  • The class is highly interactive with a significant discussion component.
  • All discussion postings, projects, and assignments will be submitted via the course discussion board and Dropbox.
  • Activities are conducted according to a schedule with specific due dates each week.
  • There are no required "live" chat sessions.
  • This is not a self-paced class.