The registered owner of a vehicle and/or the permit holder is responsible for their vehicle's parking violations. Citations issued to family owned vehicles of students may become the responsibility of the UW-Stout student.
Parking control signs or meter mechanisms that have been stolen, vandalized, or defaced are not a valid defense against issue of a parking citation.
Table of Fines
Please click on each violation to find further information.
- Within striped stall markings in a paved lot
- Head-in against a bumper block/rope in a gravel lot
Students are cautioned to carefully observe where they parked. If the space isn't striped as a parking space or if there isn't a bumper block/rope in front of the entire vehicle, don't park there.
The entire vehicle must be parked within the valid parking space. If any part of the vehicle projects beyond the edge of the valid parking area, the vehicle is illegally parked. If you park in a manner that makes it impossible to use another valid parking space, you will be cited for prohibited parking.
Ends of rows are often identified with signage and/or yellow striping. Be observant for these identifiers. However, not every illegal parking area is marked. If you don't see either parking stall striping or a bumper block/rope the space is not a valid parking area for any period of time.
This violation may be issued to vehicles that have license plates that can't be read. This occurs when plates are missing, covered, unreadable, or otherwise not visible to the drive lanes. Your license plate must face the drive lane and be legally displayed. The standard for determining a legally displayed license plate exists in chapter 341 of Wisconsin State Statutes.
This violation may also be issued to vehicles not properly entered onto a permit or into a pay station. In most of these cases, an "Unauthorized Parking" violation would be issued and then reduced to this violation.
Commuter lots enforced M-F 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Residence hall lots enforced 24 hours a day from 9 pm Sunday through 1 pm the next Friday.
Motorcycles must be parked in a designated cycle lot/area.
Mopeds must be parked in a designated area. Mopeds must display a state issued moped license plate.
There are a few free, short term, parking areas marked for 15 or 30 minutes. These are for loading and unloading purposes. Parking is allowed for the posted time in the lot/area. Once that time is reached, vehicles must be moved out of the lot (not just the space) for a minimum of two hours before another short term timed session will begin at that location.
Multiple citations may be issued
- to vehicles that are parked for longer than one hour in a short-term area (additional citation for each hour past the overdue time).
- for longer term violations that impair the efficient operation of service areas
- based on a safety hazard, barrier of access to facilities, or the obstruction of free flow or traffic created by an illegally parked vehicle.
Vehicles will be towed if left in a short-term space for longer than 8 hours.
You must park fully inside end-of-row signs (when present) in a gravel lot.
- Within striped stall markings in a paved lot
- Head-in against a bumper block/rope in a gravel lot
Students are cautioned to carefully observe where they parked. If the space isn't striped as a parking space or if there isn't a bumper block/rope in front of the entire vehicle, don't park there.
The entire vehicle must be parked within the valid parking space. If any part of the vehicle projects beyond the edge of the valid parking area, the vehicle is illegally parked.
Ends of rows are often identified with signage and/or yellow striping. Be observant for these identifiers. However, not every illegal parking area is marked. If you don't see either parking stall striping or a bumper block/rope the space is not a valid parking area for any period of time
Unauthorized parking violations are issued to anyone who has not paid for parking during hours of regulation via permit, permit, meter or pay station.
Several spaces within residence hall lots are signed/reserved for others and a residence hall student permit is not valid in these spaces. If a space is specifically signed, it is reserved. Don't park there. Examples of reserved spaces are those signed as restricted to Hall Directors, Disabled, Physical Plant, Employee Parking, etc.
Reserved parking is available in commuter parking lots. Currently, there is limited reserved parking in residence hall parking lots.
Reserved Areas: Reserved parking areas are available in most commuter parking lots. There are a limited number of reserved spaces in each area, so assignment is based on availability.
Requesting Reserved Parking: We recommend that you contact Parking Services to inquire about the availability of reserved parking. That contact will give us an opportunity to discuss your needs and describe where spaces are available.
Parking is prohibited at all times on university grounds, walkways, and any area not specifically designed as a parking area. Parking is also prohibited where it creates a safety hazard, interferes with use of university facilities, interferes with pedestrian or vehicular traffic, or where it violates any provision of Wis Stats. 346.52 or 346.53.
University Staff parking permits do not authorize overnight parking. Staff should not park overnight in their regular permit lot.
The driver of a fleet vehicle may park in the fleet area of Lot 27, south of the General Services building. Ask Fleet vehicle staff for directions to the fleet area within Lot 27.
Passengers of a fleet vehicle cannot park their personal vehicles in the Lot 27 fleet area. Passengers should obtain an overnight permit from Parking Services prior to parking overnight.
Residents students with residence hall parking lot permits should remain parked in their usual parking lot.
Any student without a residence hall parking permit must obtain an overnight parking permit from Parking Services.
Students traveling for athletic events, school sponsored events, etc must obtain their own parking permit from Parking Services.
A previously issued citation (or citation envelope) cannot be displayed on a vehicle when it is parked at a later time and/or in a different location. Display of a previously issued citation (or citation envelope) is considered prima face evidence of intent to park illegally through deception. Display of a previous citation (or citation envelope), while a vehicle is parked illegally, will result in issue of a "fraudulent display" citation in addition to any action taken to sanction the vehicle's current parking violation.
UW-Stout faculty/staff and students must display a valid UW-Stout disability permit to park in campus disabled spaces.
Parking on campus sidewalks or grounds is prohibited unless prior authorization is received.
The actual or attempted permit resale, unauthorized transfer, use by a non-registered user, permit sharing, duplication, alteration, or misrepresentation is a violation under UWS Ch. 18 and 943.20 (1) (a), Wis. State Statutes. Sanctions for misuse of a permit include fines authorized under Ch. 18 and revocation of parking privileges.
Special circumstances (move-in, semester break, etc.) may present the need to close a parking lot. This citation is issued if a vehicle is parked in a closed lot.
Multiple Citations
Multiple citations will be issued to vehicles that are parked for longer than:
- one hour in short-term unloading areas
- two hours in a regular metered or pay-by-plate space
- two hours in a permit lot.
Also, multiple citations may be issued
- to vehicles that are parked in violation over two enforcement periods, for example a permit violation and an overnight violation
- for longer term violations that impair the efficient operation of service areas
- based on a safety hazard, barrier of access to facilities, or the obstruction of free flow or traffic created by an illegally parked vehicle.
Citation Late Fees
Parking Citations are due in five days from the date of issue. Full payment of the citation fine must be received in the Parking Office on the fifth day after issue. Consequently, if you mail the citation make sure there is adequate time for the Post Office to deliver your payment by the due date.
After a citation becomes overdue a $5 escalation fee will be added.
Overdue, unpaid citations will receive a series of three delinquent citation letters. Each letter informs the registered owner of the unpaid fine amount, the current amount due and establishes a due date in two weeks. There is a $5 late fee connected to each letter if the citation isn't fully paid by the due date.
When a citation isn't fully paid after the series of three letters additional administrative late fees of $10 are assessed for either Wisconsin state motor vehicle suspension or university records, class registration suspension.
University police officers are authorized to have a vehicle towed away if it is found to be in violation of any parking regulation.
- Examples of violations that may result in towing include, but are not limited to:
- Vehicle is parked in an area that would obstruct emergency vehicle access to university buildings and grounds (e.g. blocking fire lane).
- Blocking vehicle or pedestrian traffic ways.
- Vehicles can and will be towed due to multiple unpaid parking citations totaling over $100. Vehicles will not be released from the tow company until ALL outstanding University citations are paid.
- When a vehicle parks or remains parked in a closed parking lot.
- If a vehicle does not have license plates and/or is not registered.
- The University is not responsible for any damage incurred due to towing.