CRC Examination Preparation Workshop

A workshop designed to prepare individuals for the Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Exam
In this Section

Next dates coming soon. arrow pointing to registration links

Cost: $275.00
Course Syllabus 

Person sitting at a desk with a laptopThe CRC Exam Preparation Workshop provides a unique opportunity to prepare for the CRC exam. We prepare each applicant for the CRC Exam by providing an overview of exam content, a facilitator to offer guidance, test-taking practice using tests similar to the CRC exam, and messaging for encouragement and preparation. Our online learning format allows you to access material nearly anywhere and anytime Internet access is available.

We have found that many participants would like a longer duration of this course. You have access to this course for a full 6 months with a facilitator that is available for the first 8 weeks to answer questions and guide you thru the workshop. 

Continuing education credits are not provided for this workshop.

We recommend that your registration for the CRC exam is confirmed before registering for this workshop. SVRI is not affiliated with CRC and cannot provide you with assistance in applying.

About the Exam Prep Workshop:

The units for this workshop follow the domain areas indicated in the CRC certification guide. To begin the course, we have listed all of the domains where you can click on the domain title to access the content for that specific domain.  Only the first domain will be made available to start.  Each week, access will be made available to one or two new domains until you have access to all twelve. We post these units weekly so that you are not overwhelmed with all of them at one time.

Each domain is accompanied by a quiz, which you can take before and/or after you study the content. The quiz is randomized, and there is no limit to how many times the quiz can be taken.  The final comprehensive exam will include some of the previous questions, but may also contain many questions that you have not seen before in the specific units. The quizzes provided in this workshop are ones that have been created through the development of this prep course to help you become more confident with the material, and in taking large exams.  The quiz questions throughout this prep course are not taken from the CRC exam, any similarities are merely coincidence.

It is important for you to remember, that you will get out of this course what you put into it.  New domains will be released on a weekly basis. You can also connect with a cohort of others who will be taking the exam to help you stay motivated to study throughout the duration of this workshop.  Your facilitator will check in with you periodically to see how things are going.  Studying is your responsibility.  If you are feeling very familiar with the content in any of the units, it is encouraged you seek further information via the CRC recommended reading list, and the additional resources provided within each domain.  This preparation course is a summary of the concepts you will need to know for the CRC exam, and it is not possible to include everything that could be on the exam.