Welcome to the College of Arts & Human Sciences (CAHS)
I am proud to be a member of the UW-Stout academic community and honored by the trust given to me as I serve as our College’s dean. Our College of Arts & Human Sciences is wide reaching academically, connected with a united thread focused on impact. Our impact is geared toward making meaningful, positive differences in the lives of our students, on the state of knowledge globally, and in the health, quantity and quality of lives for all humanity.
Growing up in a tool-and-die manufacturing family rooted in the Midwest, I realized early on the importance of measuring twice and cutting once (that early training worked on carbide, lumber or decision making). The polytechnic roots here at UW-Stout align well with my life’s paths—and the paths of our students. Our lab spaces and emphasis on applied study coupled with the near endless creativity to solve complex problems inspires me daily.
We are truly a community of doers.
If you have not yet done so, I’d encourage you to attend our events, talk with our community and connect with us so we can continue to evolve Wisconsin and the world to meet our future potential.
~ Jason Schmitt, Dean
Please contact our office staff listed below with your campus and college questions:
- Jason Schmitt, Dean, 715-232-2687, schmittjas@uwstout.edu
- Jennifer Astwood, Associate Dean, 715-232-3699, astwoodj@uwstout.edu
- Kevin Drzakowski, Associate Dean, 715-232-1103, drzakowski@uwstout.edu
- Aaron Durst, Associate Dean; Director, School of Art & Design, 715-232-1201, dursta@uwstout.edu
Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.)
- B.F.A. Animation & Digital Media (On Campus)
- B.F.A. Game Design & Development - Art (On Campus)
- B.F.A. Graphic Design & Interactive Media (On Campus)
- B.F.A. Illustration (On Campus)
- B.F.A. Industrial & Product Design (On Campus)
- B.F.A. Interior Design (On Campus)
- B.F.A. Studio Art (On Campus)
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
- B.S. Applied Social Science (On Campus)
- B.S. Art Education (On Campus)
- B.S. Arts Administration & Entrepreneurship (On Campus)
- B.S. Career, Technical Education & Training (Online)
- B.S. Criminal Justice & Rehabilitation (On Campus)
- B.S. Dietetics (On Campus)
- B.S. Early Childhood Education (On Campus or Online)
- B.S. Family & Consumer Sciences Education (On Campus or Online)
- B.S. Fashion Design & Development (On Campus)
- B.S. Food Science & Technology (On Campus)
- B.S. Health, Wellness & Fitness (On Campus)
- B.S. Human Development & Family Studies (On Campus or Online)
- B.S. Individualized Studies (Online)
- B.S. Marketing & Business Education (On Campus or Online/Hybrid)
- B.S. Professional Communication & Emerging Media (On Campus)
- B.S. Psychology (On Campus or Online)
- B.S. Rehabilitation Services (On Campus or Online)
- B.S. Special Education (On Campus or Online)
- B.S. Technology Education (On Campus or Online)
- B.S. Video Production (On Campus)
Teaching minors indicated below with an asterisk (*), are state-approved programs for teacher certification for teaching at the secondary and/or elementary level.
It is redundant to declare a major and a minor/concentration in the same field, and therefore not permitted. Please reference the Minors Matrix PDF document to verify whether a particular minor or concentration is not permitted with your selected major and/or concentration.
- Apparel, Soft Goods, & Footwear
- Applied Foreign Languages
- Applied Peace Studies
- Art History
- Coaching
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Communication Studies
- Cultural Anthropology
- Digital Humanities
- Digital Marketing
- Disability Services
- Economics
- Economics Teaching *
- English Writing & Literature
- Enterprise Technology
- Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Environmental Health
- Food Science & Technology
- Geographic Information Systems
- Health & Wellness
- Health & Wellness Education *
- History
- History Teaching *
- Human Development & Family Studies
- Human Resource Management
- Interaction Design
- Journalism
- Performing Arts
- Philosophy
- Photography & Video
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Studio Art
- Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies
Our certificates are available as a stand-alone program or in addition to your undergraduate [U] or graduate [G] degree. Undergraduate students are ineligible for graduate-level certificate programs. Certificates with an * are only available to on-campus students.
- Applied Ethics [U] *
- Autism Spectrum Disorder Specialist [U, G]
- Career & Technical Education Leadership [G]
- Communicating with Emerging Media [G]
- Communication Studies & Rhetoric [G]
- Improving the User Experience [G]
- Instructional Design [G]
- Math Specialist [G]
- Practical Skills for Beginning K-12 Career & Technical Educators [U, G]
- Professional Writing [U]*
- Senior Living & Services Leadership [G]
- Sex Therapy [G]
- Social Work On Campus [U]
- Social Work Online [U]
- Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies [U] *
Master of Fine Arts
- M.F.A. Design (Hybrid)
Master of Science
- M.S. Applied Psychology (On-Campus)
- M.S. Career & Technical Education Leadership (Online)
- M.S. Clinical Mental Health Counseling (On-Campus)
- M.S. Education (Online)
- M.S. Food Science & Technology (On-Campus)
- M.S. Healthcare Administration (Online)
- M.S. Marriage & Family Therapy (On-Campus)
- M.S. Nutrition & Dietetics (Online)
- M.S. Rehabilitation Counseling (On-Campus or Online)
- M.S. School Counseling (On-Campus)
- M.S.Ed. School Psychology (On-Campus)
- M.S. Technical & Professional Communication (Online)*
Doctor of Education
*Admission to this program for the 2022-2023 academic year has been suspended.
Certifications are available as stand-alone programs or in addition to your undergraduate [U] or graduate [G] degree. Undergraduate students are ineligible for graduate-level certifications.
Meet your career goals and enhance your literacy leadership skills through our reading certifications. If you are teaching full-time, enrolling in one course per term is the recommendation of the reading faculty.
Post-Baccalaureate Educator Certifications
UW-Stout offers post-Baccalaureate non-degree, add-on certifications for individuals with a previous education degree who are eligible for or hold at least one Pk-12 educator license. This does not include permits, substitute license, experienced-based licenses or Tier I license in the state of Wisconsin.