Stout Proud!
Everyone has their own connection to UW-Stout...their own Stout Story. After we walk across the stage on graduation day, we all become UW-Stout alumni.
From that point on, we spread our wings and find our path in life. No matter where your life has taken you, we can always remember the bells of the clock tower, the shenanigans of dorm life, homecoming football games, lifelong friendships, exceptional professors and we all are Stout Proud!
Update Your Profile
Don't miss out on events, news and other alumni exclusives! Update Your Profile - keep your alumni profile up-to-date and follow us on social media.
Opportunities to Connect
It is the mission of the Alumni Association to provide current students and alumni with information, opportunities and services which create and foster a sense of community and embrace the mission of UW-Stout.
The following are ways for you to network with your fellow alumni, volunteer on campus, and give back to the institution that you love.