We are students, faculty, and staff who work to make our campus more sustainable.
What does the Sustainability Steering Committee do?
- Develop, update, and promote UW-Stout's Campus Sustainability Action Plan
- Develop UW-Stout's greenhouse gas emissions goals and track our progress toward these goals
- Assist with sustainability-related community outreach
- Encourage the incorporation of sustainability into the curriculum, building renovation and construction projects, transportation, and more
This committee is chaired by Kadi Wright, Sustainability Manager.

The Sustainability Steering Committee also has three sub-committees:
- Sustainable Construction and Renovation Sub-Committee -- Works with Facilities Management, architects, engineers, and contractors to ensure that new construction and renovation projects are incorporating green building practices into each project
- Sustainability in the Curriculum Sub-Committee -- Works with professors to infuse sustainability into current courses and create new courses and programs that are sustainability-focused or sustainability-inclusive
- Sustainable Transportation Sub-Committee -- Works to expand infrastructure and programming for biking, walking, carpooling, and more.