Tech Tips Newsletter - Plagiarism-Proofing Assignments and Paraphrasing

Editor: Karen Franker
In this Section

Teaching Paraphrasing

Discover the best strategies used by instructional designers, faculty, and librarians to teach paraphrasing and citations.

Tutorial and Audio Lecture - What is Plagiarism 
Carl Heine and Dennis O’Connor present an interactive Flash tutorial and audio lecture to help learners develop a clearer understanding of what constitutes plagiarism. The authors include GREAT! Self-paced Quizzes to Teach Proper Paraphrasing 

Design Principles That Promote Learning and Honesty 
Bernard Bull comments on Dr. James Lang’s perspective that effective instructional design is essential in developing engaging learning experiences that discourage cheating.

To Make It Google-Proof, Make It Personal 
Doug Johnson has created a very useful graphic that matches up verbs with Bloom’s Taxonomy levels to structure personal and engaging assessments which reduce the possibility of plagiarism.

Best Practices for Preventing Plagiarism 
Explore Webster University’s eight tips to deter plagiarism, including using group work, freshening up assignments each time a course is offered, and having students submit draft versions of final projects. 

Tech Tips: Online Citation Wizards

Online Citation Wizards 
Carl Heine and Dennis O’Connor’s 21st Century Information Fluency site provides links to time-saving free online citation wizards for current versions of APA, CSE, MLA, Chicago, and Harvard styles.

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